PEORIA, Ill. — It happens twice a year. Local police are teaming up with the DEA’s Drug Take Back Day again on Saturday.
The event, in its 11th year, gives the public a chance to dispose of expired, unused or unwanted prescriptions.
“We’re just trying to help individuals dispose of unneeded medication, and help them from being misused,” said DEA Task Force Officer David Logan with the Peoria Police Department.
The PPD will have three drop off sites on Drug Take Back Day.
“At the Peoria Police Department in the lobby, the Kroger on Lake and Sheridan and OSF Center for Health on Route 91,” Logan said.
The event runs from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Other sites will be at the East Peoria, Washington, Pekin and Farmington Police Departments, as well as the Woodford County Sheriff’s Department.
Medications can also be brought to the Peoria Police Department Monday-Friday during regular business hours.
Find addition Drug Take Back Day locations HERE.