Question Impossible Archive
Many of you have asked for past Question Impossible answers, so we will post a few months worth of questions. Enjoy!
March 25, 2025
Q: This is the 2nd most common item that kids stick up their noses.
A: French fries
March 24, 2025
Q: On average, you’ll use 57 of these today.
A: Squares of toilet paper
March 21, 2025
Q: More than 7 million Americans own two or more of these. What are they?
A: Homes
March 20, 2025
Q: 15% of Americans say they secretly do THIS. What is THIS?
A: Bite their toenails.
March 19, 2025
Q: What do Rubber Ducks, Trash Pandas and Rumble Ponies have in common?
A: They’re all minor league baseball teams.
March 18, 2025
Q: More than 1.1 million packages of this are purchased or eaten every day. What is it?
A: Jello
March 17, 2025
Q: Doing this common task for one hour will burn 110 calories. What is it?
A: Typing
March 14, 2025
Q: Florida, Texas, Illinois and Vermont all have this in common. What is it?
A: They have an “Official State Pie”
March 13, 2025
Q: The average person will lose 22 of these in their lifetime. What are they?
A: Pairs of sunglasses
March 11, 2025
Q: The average person will have 200 of these in their lifetime. What are they?
A: A cold
March 7, 2025
Q: 60% of women say they prefer a man who is willing to do THIS. What is THIS?
A: Kiss in public
March 6, 2025
Q: Nearly 350 people in England are injured every year by THESE.
A: Toilet roll holder
March 5, 2025
Q: It’s legal now but was one outlawed for 35 years in New York City. What is it?
A: Pinball
March 4, 2025
Q: If your Zodiac sign is a Capricorn .. you’re more likely to do THIS. What is THIS?
A: Do your taxes.
March 3, 2025
Q: This is least likely to occur on a Wednesday. What is it?
A: A bank robbery.
February 27, 2025
Q: About 5 million people around the world have THIS in common. What is THIS?
A: They were born on February 29th.
February 26, 2025
Q: In the United States, 75% of all firefighters have THIS in common. What is it?
A: They’re volunteers.
February 25, 2025
Q: In its first year, there were over 500,000 of these baking appliances sold. What are they?
A: Easy-bake ovens
February 24, 2025
Q: The average one of these costs $20,000 to build. What is it?
A: A parking space in a parking garage
February 21, 2025
Q: A study found that left-handed people are three times more likely to do this than right-handed people.
A: Show up late.
February 20, 2025
Q: A typical American soap opera episode includes 5 of these. What are they?
A: Lies
February 19, 2025
Q: In the 1800’s .. this was once sold as medicine. What is it?
A: Ketchup
February 18, 2025
Q: People in New York City spend $820 million a year on THIS.
A: Parking tickets
February 17,, 2025
Q: What do a potato, sombrero and a frisbee have in common?
A: They can be sent through the U.S. postal service WITHOUT a box. You just have to put enough postage on it and an address label.
February 14, 2025
Q: The first time in history this was used was in Alabama.
A: 911
February 13, 2025
Q: One in five homeowners have not done this in over a year. What is it?
A: Checked their smoke detectors.
February 12, 2025
Q: 9500 people in America are injured every year by THIS. What is THIS?
A: A musical instrument
February 11, 2025
Q: 77% of men say they are in desperate need of this. What is this?
A: A new wardrobe.
February 10, 0225
Q: Sales of this typically spike 20% on Super Bowl weekend. What is it?
A: Antacid
February 7, 2025
Q: If you’re average, you believe you’ve done this 38 times over the course of your lifetime. What is it?
A: Watched your favorite movie
February 5th, 2025
Q: 10% of Americans do THIS once a day. Most do it once a week. What is it?
A: Vacuum
February 4, 2025
Q: The tallest one of these ever built was 69 feet tall. What is it?
A: A sandcastle
February 3, 2025
Q: This character on a classic 1970’s TV sitcom was played by 3 different actors.
A: Chuck Cunningham from “Happy Days.”
January 31, 2025
Q: 66% of office workers say, on the average day, this happens up to 20 times.
A: They are interrupted.
January 30, 2025
Q: The oldest one of these lived to age 48. What is it?
A: Cow
January 28, 2025
Q: 61% of Gen Zer’s (age 13-28) say they can’t do THIS. What is THIS?
A: Make an omelet
January 27, 2025
Q: This occurs every 3 minutes around the world. What is it?
A: Someone reports a UFO sighting
January 22, 2025
Q: The shortest one of these in history was only 15 minutes long. What is it?
A: An Academy Awards ceremony (1929)
January 21, 2025
Q: The average worker will do this three times at the office this week.
A: Reboot their computer.
January 20, 2025
Q: 53% of people say they always do this alone. What is it?
A: Eat breakfast
January 17, 2025
Q: If you’re average, you will handle fewer than 100 of these in your lifetime.
A: A $100 bill
January 16, 2025
Q: One of these travels about 3 miles an hour. What is it?
A: A snowflake
January 15, 2025
Q: It takes 39 different ingredients to make one of these. What is it?
A: A Twinkie
January 14, 2025
Q: 70% of men, in a recent survey, say they want this in their lives. What is THIS?
A: Better Valentine’s Day gifts
January 13, 2025
Q: 25 years ago this was $1 million dollars. Today, it’s $7 million. What is it?
A: A 3-second Super Bowl ad
January 10, 2025
A: The category is shopping. The answer is pop tarts and beer. What is the question?
Q: What are the top selling items at Walmart before a hurricane?
January 9, 2025
Q: Around the world, this happens every five seconds. What is it?
A: 15 bananas are eaten
January 8, 2025
Q: Just over 3% of us have never had one of these and never will. What is it?
A: A middle name
January 7, 2025
Q: Surprisingly, in New York City, this happens to about 1600 people every year. What is it?
A: They are bit by another person.
January 3, 2025
Q: This invention was first patented in 1888. What is it?
A: Drinking straw
January 2, 2024
Q: 40 billion of these are made every year. What are they?
A: Oreos
December 23, 2025
Q: This was the hottest Christmas gift of the mid 1970’s. What is it?
A: Pet Rock
December 19, 2024
Q: On average, women do this five times a day. What is it?
A: Apologize
December 18, 2024
Q: Jeopardy-Style – The category is entertainment. The answer is Wall Street. What is the question?
A: What was the first movie to show a character using a cell phone?
December 17, 2025
Q: 42% of us say we never do this during the holidays. What is it?
A: Eat candy canes
December 13, 2024
Q: More people in Alaska do this than in any other state in America. What is it?
A: Walk to work
December 12, 2024
Q: The first time this happened was in Virginia in 1935. What is it?
A: The first beer sold in cans.
December 11, 2024
Q: This only happens once or twice a year at the office. What is it?
A: The refrigerator gets cleaned out.
December 10, 2024
Q: November is the busiest month for this profession. What is it?
A: Barber
December 5, 2024
Q: The average length of this is 20 minutes. What is it?
A: A dream
December 3, 2024
Q: Americans spend more than $700 million dollars a year on THIS. What is THIS?
A: Golf Balls
December 2, 2024
Q; More people do this on a Tuesday than any other day of the week. What is it?
A: Buy socks
November 29, 2024
Q: This can make you 15% more productive at work. What is it?
A: Having plants in the office.
November 27, 2024
Q: Jeopardy-Style: The category is holiday. The answer is Felix the Cat. What is the question?
A: What was the first character balloon in the Macy’s Day parade?
November 26, 2024
Q: 4% of Americans think there are too many of these. 15% think there are not enough. What are they?
A: Holidays
November 25, 2024
Q: Sixty-one towns in the United States have THIS in common. What is it?
A: Their names have the word “turkey” in it.
November 22, 2024
Q: A survey found, on average, it’ll take 3 hours and 54 minutes to do THIS. What is THIS?
A: Tire of your family over the holiday
November 21, 2024
Q: Doctors say doing THIS is essential for good health. What is THIS?
A: Sighing
November 20, 2024
Q: If you’re average, it’ll take you 32 seconds to do THIS. What is THIS?
A: Back out of a parking spot
November 19, 2024
Q: Nearly 70% of people surveyed say this has happened to them during the holidays. What is it?
A: A major appliance broke
November 18, 2024
Q: If you’re average, you do THIS 3 times a week. What is THIS?
A: Drop your phone
November 15, 2024
Q: One of these contains 34 different objects. What is it?
A: The average woman’s purse
November 14, 2024
Q: The average American man has 8 of these. What are they?
A: Friends
November 13, 2025
Q: One in three adults say they regularly do THIS in the nude. What is it?
A: Talk on the phone
November 12, 2024
Q: Having one of these costs you, at least, $2700 a year. What is it?
A: A built-in pool
November 11, 2024
Q: Scientists say if you have one of these .. you’re easier to get along with. What is it?
A: A sweet tooth
November 8, 2025
Q: On a list of things that cause road rage, sitting in traffic is #2 on the list. What is #1?
A: People driving like a moron
November 7, 2024
Q: Nearly 80% of people say they are confused by these. What are they?
A: Food labels
November 6, 2024
Q: The average age when people first try THIS is 16. What is this?
A: Coffee
November 5, 2024
Q: The first one of these appeared in Massachusetts in 1890. What is it?
A: The first department store Santa
November 4, 2024
Q: 40% of Americans say they haven’t done this in over a year. What is it?
A: Made a new friend
November 1, 2024
Q: 23% of people say they’re actually looking for to THIS. What is THIS?
A: Daylight Saving Time (change)
October 31, 2024
Q: Surprisingly, it is legal to do THIS in New York. What is it?
A: Jay walk
October 30, 2024
Q: Nearly 20% of people will leave the house with this today and never use it. What is it?
A: A gym bag
October 29, 2024
Q: Jeopardy-Style. The answer is 11. The category is sports. What is the question?
A: How many times have the Dodgers and the Yankees met in the World Series?
October 28, 2024
Q: According to a new report, NFL players go through 80,000 of these a year. What are they?
A: Uncrustables
October 25, 2025
Q: 16% of Americans claimed to have done THIS. What is THIS?
A: Lived in a haunted house
October 24, 2024
Q: More than half of all US teenagers have never owned one of these.
A: A stamp
October 23, 2024
Q: 16% of people say they’ll dress up as THIS for Halloween!
A: A “concept.”
October 22, 2024
Q: 33% of people surveyed say THIS is the most annoying thing at work right now. What is it?
A: People sniffling.
October 21, 2024
Q: In a survey, 15% of car owners admit they’ve never done THIS. What is THIS?
A: Looked at their car owner’s manual.
October 18, 2024
Q: Jeopardy-Style. The answer is “A potato.” What is the question?
A: It’s the first vegetable to be grown in space.
October 17, 2024
Q: Almost half of people surveyed say doing this lowers their stress level. What is it?
A: Volunteering
October 16, 2024
Q: You’re more likely to do this while on vacation than at home.
A: Post on social media.
October 15, 2024
Q: The top 40 NFL players with the most career points have this in common. What is THIS?
A: They’re kickers
October 14, 2024
Q: In the early 1900’s … this was accidentally invented. What was it?
A: Tea bags
October 11, 2025
Q: Nearly 30% of men say when they’re sad .. they do THIS. What is THIS?
A: Call their mom
October 10. 2024
Q: One out of four people are doing THIS right now. What is it?
A: Wearing jeans
October 9, 2024
Q: 20% of workers, on average, violate this company policy. What is it?
A: Return to work rules
October 8, 2024
Q: This is true for nearly 25% of iPhone users. What is it?
A: They won’t date Android users.
October 7, 2024
Q: These were originally created in Belgium and are enjoyed around the world. What are they?
A: Roller skates
October 4, 2024
Q: In the history of the United States, 532 people have been given this distinction.
A: They were on the FBI’s “Ten Most Wanted List.”
October 3, 2024
Q: 37% of people actually believe this is possible.
A: Time travel
October 2, 2024
Q: 77% of adults surveyed say they feel nostalgic about THIS. What is THIS?
A: Trick-or-Treating
October 1, 2024
Q: As of this year, these have been in-use for 42 years. What is it?
A: CD players
September 30, 2024
Q: Nearly 10% of people who have tried this health trend .. say they’ll never do it again. What is it?
A: Cold plunge bath
September 27, 2024
Q: The average adult has done this, at least, 40 times, even though they didn’t want to. What is it?
A: Tip someone
September 26, 2024
Q: Since the early 1970’s .. the US government has asked nearly 20,000 people to do this.
A: Join the Witness Protection Program
September 25, 2024
Q: Nearly 20% of people in the US claim they have never experienced THIS.
A: Luxury
September 24, 2024
Q: There is only one of these left in the continental US.
A: Kmart
September 23, 2024
Q; The older you get .. the less likely you’ll do this. What is THIS?
A: Cry
September 20, 2024
Q: You’re more likely to get stung by a bee if you’re doing THIS.
A: Eating a banana
September 19, 2024
Q: If you want to cause someone anxiety .. text them this word.
A: Sure
September 18, 2024
Q: Nine out of ten of us always do THIS when shopping for food. What is THIS?
A: Check the expiration dates.
September 17, 2024
Q: This will happen for the first time in Hollywood. Soon. What is it?
A: The first superhero (Batman) will get a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
September 12, 2024
Q: 70% of Americans believe this is harder today than it was 10 years ago, according to a survey.
A: Being an adult
September 11, 2024
Q: Nearly 40% of people claim to do THIS every day. What is this?
A: Make their bed
September 10, 2024
Q: This law enforcement tool dates back to the late 1930’s. What is it?
A: Breathalyzer
September 9, 2024
Q: More Americans will do this today than any other day of the year. What is this?
A: Celebrate a birthday (it’s the most common birthday)
September 6, 2024
Q; This was first introduced in 1863. What is it?
A: The first cold cereal
September 5, 2024
Q: The last time this happened was in 2006. What is it?
A: A movie was released on VHS
September 4, 2024
Q: 1/3 of Americans have this in common. What is THIS?
A: They’ve worked at a fast food restaurant.
September 3, 2024
Q: 5% of us have this item in our home but never use it. What is it?
A: A dishwasher
August 30, 2024
Q: Almost 60% of people, in a recent survey, said they would like to do THIS every day. What is it?
A: Eat bacon
August 28, 2024
Q: The first one of these appeared in Georgia almost 70 years ago.
A: The Waffle House
August 27, 2024
Q: Most of us have one of these. About 4% of us have two. What are they?
A: Middle names
August 26, 2024
Q: About 10% of us still have THIS from elementary school. What is it?
A: A best friend
August 21, 2024
Q: These were first installed in the US in the 1860’s. What are they?
A: Ceiling fans
August 20, 2024
Q: 56% of dog owners agree on THIS. What is THIS?
A: That is okay for dogs to lick their face.
August 19, 2024
Q: This has been happening continuously in the US for 174 years. What is it?
A: The magazine, Scientific American has been published. It’s the oldest magazine in the US.
August 16, 2024
Q: 63% of people think it’s okay to do THIS in a restaurant. What is THIS?
A: Take pictures of your food
August 15, 2024
Q: In the history of sports, THIS has happened 12 times. What is it?
A: Twelve players in Major League Baseball history have reached 300 career home runs.
August 14, 2025
Q: The average speed of this is 74 miles per hour. What is THIS?
A: The average speed of the winning car of the first Indy 500.
August 13, 2024
Q: Fewer people are looking forward to THIS .. this Fall. What is it?
A: Pumpkin spice anything and everything
August 12, 2024
Q: This has only happened 7 times in Olympic history. What is it?
A: Seven
August 8, 2024
Q: The average worker does this 19 times a week at the office.
A: Consumes beverages like coffee, tea, etc.
August 7, 2024
Q: According to a panel of judges, AI technology is over-rated because it cannot do THIS. What is THIS?
A: Come up with a decent chocolate-chip cookie recipe
August 6, 2024
Q: 40% of people have never experienced THIS. What is THIS?
A: A nosebleed
August 5, 2024
Q: There are 186 of these in California but only 23 in Illinois but only 23 in Illinois. What are they?
A: Billionaires
August 2, 2024
Q: Jeopardy- Style: The answer is 1,665. What is the question?
A: How many steps are there to the top of the Eiffel Tower?
July 31, 2024
Q: On average, it takes 3 days to do THIS. What is THIS?
A: Get back to normal after a vacation.
July 30, 2024
Q: The first time a woman did THIS was in 2002. What is it?
A: Dunked a basketball in a professional game.
July 23, 2024
Q: Nearly 20% of people surveyed truly believe this will happen in their lifetime.
A: They will win the lottery
July 22, 2024
Q: Baby boomers are more likely to do THIS in their homes compared to Gen Z or Millennials. What is THIS?
A: Answer the door
July 19, 2024
Q: The best time to do THIS is 4:00 pm. What is THIS?
A: Spray for household insects
July 18, 2024
Q: A new survey found that 4% of people have never heard of this. What is this?
A: Netflix
July 17, 2024
Q: The average American will do this by the end of July. What is it?
A: Pay off holiday debt
July 16, 2024
Q: The average person does this almost 1500 times a year. What is it?
A: Dreams
July 15, 2024
Q: The oldest one of these, still in use, dates back to the 1300’s. What is it?
A: A logo. (Stella Artois has the oldest logo in the world. It’s been used since the brewery was founded in Belgium in 1366.)
July 11, 2024
Q: 36% of people with a full-time job have one of these. What is it?
A: A side hustle
July 10, 2024
Q: This happens 250,000 times every year in the United States.
A: Someone breaks off an engagement
July 9, 2024
Q: Nearly 90% of American families buy one of these every week. What is it?
A: A pie
July 8, 2024
Q: Nine out of ten of us have no patience for THIS. What is THIS?
A: Listening to a voicemail
July 5, 2024
Q: People in the US do this 30% less now than they did in 2019.
A: Visit the library
July 3, 2024
Q: Surprisingly, this ordinary household item has been around for over 200 years.
A: Lighter
July 2, 2024
Q: 13% of us have this physical talent. What is it?
A: Wiggling our ears
July 1, 2024
Q: Every year 105,000 people are injured by THIS. What is THIS?
A: Trampolines
June 28, 2024
Q: Every month more than 5,000 people search for THIS on Google. What is THIS?
A: How do I use Google.
June 27, 2024
Q: One of these typically lasts five days. What is it?
A: A roll of toilet paper
June 26, 2024
Q: Jeopardy – Style: The answer is 2400 lbs. The category is entertainment. What is the question?
A: How much does the Wheel of Fortune wheel weigh?
June 25, 2024
Q: Every year Minnesota gives us more of these than any other state in the U.S. What are they?
A: Turkeys
June 24, 2024
Q: The 1st time this happened was in 1951. What is it?
A: Color TV
June 21, 2024
Q: The average person says THIS three times a week. What is it?
A: I need a vacation
June 20, 2024
Q: 30% of people know someone who has done this on vacation. What is this?
A: Leave someone behind
June 19, 2024
Q: Nearly 10% of people have done THIS when relatives come to visit. What is THIS?
A: Sleep in a tent
June 18, 2024
Q: 11% of women absolutely refuse to wear these. What are they?
A: Bowling shoes
June 17, 2024
Q: 2012 was the first year more women than men did this. What is this?
A: Get tattoos
June 14, 2024
Q: The first time this happened in Hollywood was in 1979. What happened?
A: A Disney film was rated PG
June 13, 2024
Q: The fastest one of these ever recorded was over 160 miles per hour. What is it?
A: A tennis serve
June 12, 2024
Q: It’s more expensive to do this in Alaska than anywhere else in the US.
A: Rent a car
June 11, 2024
Q: One of these is created every 98 minutes. What is it?
A: A word
June 10, 2024
Q: On average, it costs $1700 to do THIS. What is THIS?
A: Be a bridesmaid
June 7, 2014
Q: In a survey, only 19% of people said they have one of these. What is it?
A: A trusted mechanic
June 6, 2024
Q: There are 570,000 people in the world who have THIS in common. What is THIS?
A: They are over 100 years old.
June 5, 2024
Q: The average man will do this 2340 times in their lifetime. What is it?
A: Mow the lawn
June 4, 2024
Q: New research shows if you want to be happier at the office .. you should do this. What is this?
A Ride your bike to work
June 3, 2024
Q: This happens more in Los Angeles than any other city in the U.S. What is it?
A: Postal workers get bit by dogs
May 31, 2024
Q: The Guinness World Record for doing THIS is 25 seconds.
A: Typing the alphabet with his nose
May 30, 2024
Q: Surprisingly, astronauts can do this in space.
A: Vote
May 29, 2024
Q: Half of these that are created only last 5 years. What are they?
A: Cereal Brands
May 28, 2024
Q: The most expensive one of these in the US is $5,000. What is it?
A: A hamburger
May 24, 2024
Q: Jeopardy-Style .. The category is entertainment. The answer is fur coat. What is the question?
A: What is the first prize Bob Barker ever announced on the “Price is Right” when it started in 1972.
May 23, 2024
Q: The longest one of these lasts 5 minutes and 33 seconds.
A: A stop light
May 22, 2024
Q: The average person gets 17 of these a year. What are they?
A: Bug bites
May 21, 2024
Q: 73% of Americans say they have never wanted to do THIS. What is THIS?
A: Be the President of the United States
May 20, 2024
Q: Nearly 50% of us believe we’ll see this in our lifetime. What is it?
A: A cashless society
May 17, 2024
Q: Only about 55% of us do THIS when we eat.
A: Put a napkin in our lap
May 16, 2024
Q: The average person will own more than 150 of these in their lifetime. What are they?
A: Toothbrushes
May 15, 2024
Q: It’s surprising, but only 20% of kids do this every day. What is it?
A: Drink milk
May 14, 2024
Q: Only 35% of people claim to have played this prank on someone. What is it?
A: Ding-dong-ditch
May 13, 2024
Q: What is the most dangerous job in the United States?
A: President
May 9, 2024
Q: It’s illegal to do THIS in Ohio. What do you think?
A: Use a Santa Claus image in an alcohol ad.
May 8, 2024
Q: Nearly 60% of people say they know absolutely nothing about THIS. What is it?
A: Pickleball
May 7, 2024
Q: On average, people in Wyoming do this more than people in any other state.
A: Drive
May 6, 2-24
Q: Almost every child used to do THIS. Only 30% of kids do it now. What is it?
A: Jump Rope
May 3, 2024
Q: Surprisingly, there are fewer of these in Hollywood than there were 20 years ago. What are they?
A: Sex scenes
May 2, 2024
Q: 30% of people say they want their home to have one of these. What is it?
A: A “signature smell”
May 1, 2024
Q: The #1 thing we want at a hotel is fast wi-fi. What is #2 on the list?
A: A king bed
April 30, 2024
Q: Three of out 10 pet owners have one of these or plan on buying one of these for their pets. What is it?
A: Pet Stroller
April 29, 2024
Q: Nearly 85% of American adults say they have one of these. What is it?
A: A bucket list
April 26, 2024
Q: The first time this happened in American was in 1872. What is it?
A: The first Arbor Day
April 24, 2024
Q: People from Pennsylvania are more likely to do this when they travel. What is it?
A: Overpack
April 23, 2024
Q: 20% of people say they always do THIS while on vacation. What is THIS?
A: Think about their next vacation
April 22, 2024
Q: 12% of people say this has happened to them as a child.
A: Their mouth was washed out with soap
April 19, 2024
Q: Women are more likely than men to admit this about their body. What is it?
A: They have bad posture.
April 18, 2024
Q: Americans throw away nearly $70 billion worth of these every year.
A: Coins
April 17, 2024
Q: Americans did not do this until after the Civil War. What is it?
A: Eat bananas
April 16, 2024
Q: In a survey of 33,000 US adults .. 4% said they do this every day. What is it?
A: Buy a lottery ticket
April 12, 2024
Q: New research says the average American adult does this 36 times a year. What is it?
A: Eats a grilled cheese sandwich
April 10, 2024
Q: If you’re a woman and you do this .. young people say you’re old. What is it?
A: Wearing eyeshadow
April 9, 2024
Q: The US government has over a billion of these. What are they?
A: Pounds of cheese stored in caves in Missouri.
April 8, 2024
Q: 14% of Americans have THIS in common. What is it?
A: They’re not interested in seeing the eclipse.
April 5, 2024
Q: Couples who do this together .. live longer. What is it?
A: Drink together
April 4, 2024
Q: 60% of Gen Zer’s say THIS is no longer relevant. What is it?
A: Table manners
April 3, 2024
Q: This ordinary household item first appeared in ancient Egypt. What is it?
A: Scissors
April 2, 2024
Q: 40% of adults say they’ve gone, at least, 3 days without doing this. What is it?
A: Having a face-to-face conversation.
April 1, 2024
Q: 30% of people say they take THIS with them everywhere. What is it?
A: Water
March 29, 2024
Q: 25% of us are doing this right now. What is it?
A: Wearing jeans
March 28, 2024
Q: Nearly half of us have done THIS on a night out. What is it?
A: Walked out of a movie because it was so bad
March 27, 2027
Q: 50% of people surveyed consider THIS to be a part of the family. What is THIS?
A: Their car
March 26, 2024
Q: In a new poll, THIS was the least favorite spring cleaning task. What is it?
A: Cleaning/scrubbing the shower
March 22, 2024
Q: 77% of adults say they should always be allowed to do THIS. What is THIS?
A: Order off the kid’s menu
March 21, 2024
Q: 32% of Americans dislike the taste of THIS. What is it?
A: Tap water
March 20, 2024
Q: 33% of Americans will do THIS in the next 24 hours.
A: Fill out a NCAA bracket
March 19, 2024
Q: 21% of people say they should know this but don’t. What is it?
A: Their neighbor’s first names
March 18, 2024
Q: One out of ten people have one of these under their bed right now. What is it?
A: A dirty dish
March 13, 2024
Q: If your server does THIS … you’re more likely to give a bigger tip. What is THIS?
A: Draws a smiley face on your bill
March 12, 2024
Q: Millennials have shown less interest in doing THIS than previous generations. What is it?
A: Chewing gum
March 11, 2024
Q: This did not officially happen until 1939. What is it?
A: The Oscar statue was officially named “Oscar”
March 8, 2024
Q: The current world record for THIS is 270. What is THIS?
A: A gathering of people wearing underwear on their head.
March 7th, 2024
Q: 32% of people say they would never do THIS to their vehicle? What is it?
A: They would never put a vanity plate on their vehicle.
March 6, 2024
Q: This has only happened once in Olympic history. What is it?
A: A country hosted without winning a gold medal
March 5, 2024
Q: The #1 thing people over the age of 55 search for on the internet is how to retire. What is #2?
A: How to play pickleball
March 1, 2024
Q: Doing THIS every morning slows your heart rate and lowers your stress. What is THIS?
A: Eating breakfast in total silence
February 29, 2024
Q: California is the only state to have two of these. What are they?
A: Two governors of California with stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame: Ronald Reagan and Arnold Schwarzenegger. No governor from any other state has a star.
February 28th, 2024
Q: 75% of us have skipped a social event because of THIS. What is THIS?
A: You didn’t want to deal with parking
February 27, 2024
Q: 9% of people who’ve tried THIS to benefit their health .. say they’ll never do it again. What is THIS?
A: Cold-plunge bath
February 26, 2024
Q: The cost of this in 1962 was $1. What was it?
A: A movie ticket
February 23, 2024
Q: For the first time in five years, the value of THIS is down. What is it?
A: A single, lost tooth
February 22, 2024
Q: These words .. Sozzled, Squiffed and Bingoed .. have this in common.
A: They are all British terms for being drunk.
February 21, 2024
Q: In America .. this happens more in January than any other month. What is it?
A: People die
February 20, 224
Q: In the history of game shows, this has happened over 7,000 times.
A: Vanna White has worn over 7,000 different dresses.
February 19, 2024
Q: This has been happening in America now for over a hundred years. What is it?
A: Cracker Jack has given away prizes in their boxes
February 16, 2024
Q: If you’re turning 41 this year .. there’s a pretty good chance you’ll start doing THIS. What is THIS?
A: Take vitamins
February 15, 2024
Q: The average person gets a new one of these every three years. What are they?
A: A new computer mouse
February 14, 2024
Q: 10% of people do this at work.
A: Quit by text
February 13, 2024
Q: Men are more likely than women to do THIS online. What is it?
A: Tell people they’re sick
February 12, 2024
Q: Nearly 20% of people clean THIS less than once a year. What is it?
A: Your freezer
February 9, 2024
Q: You’ll find this at the average Super Bowl party. What is it?
A: 14 people
February 8th, 2024
Q: More than 50% of Gen Zers say doing this has brought them to tears. What is it?
A: Doing their taxes
February 7, 2023
Q: 64% of people say this is unacceptable during a virtual work meeting. What is it?
A: Wearing sunglasses
February 6, 2024
Q: These first appeared at a concert in 1971. What are they?
A: Glow sticks
February 5, 2024
Q: Nearly half of all people polled admit to talking to this inanimate object. What is it?
February 2, 2024
Q: It’s hard to believe, but nearly 30% of people say they forget to do THIS on a regular basis. What is THIS?
A: Flush the toilet
February 1, 2024
Q: Half of us believe THIS about ourselves. What is it?
A: That we are going to get in shape (one of these days)
January 30, 2024
Q: 20% of us keep one of these in our car at all times. What is it?
A: A tube of toothpaste
January 29, 2024
A: The answer is Detroit, Michigan. What is the question? (Jeopardy-Style)
Q: What is the city that has made the most bids to host the Olympics without ever getting one? (Detroit is zero for seven on their bids. The most recent one was in 1972.)
January 26, 2024
Q: Nearly half of us have done THIS at work when nobody was looking. What is it?
A: Change the thermostat.
January 25, 2024
Q: More than 80% of people don’t like hearing THIS. What is THIS?
A: Their own voice
January 23, 2024
Q: Research shows that men almost always do this better than women. What is it?
A: Sleep
January 22, 2024
Q: The most popular one of these is in Ireland. What is it?
A: A Krispy Kreme donut store
January 19, 2024
Q: The #1 thing we’d want to inherit is a home/property. What is #2 on the list?
A: A pet
January 18, 2024
Q: If you’re average, you haven’t done this in almost 10 years. What is it?
A: Ridden a bike
January 17, 2024
Q: According to research .. if you do THIS, you’ll get better service on airplanes. What is it?
A: Wear red
January 16, 2026
Q: On average, we do this far less than we did 50 years ago.
A: Take baths
January 15, 2024
Q: 99% of Americans have one of these in their county where they live. What is it?
A: A Mexican restaurant
January 12, 2024
Q: It costs more to do THIS in Alaska then any other state in the U.S. What is it?
A: Eat at McDonald’s
January 11, 2024
Q: There are more than 40 of these in the average home. What are they?
A: Light Bulbs
January 10, 2024
Q: This happens to the average person about 130 times a year. What is it?
A: They get a “perfect” night’s sleep.
January 9, 2024
Q: One in five employers say they’ve had this happen to them in a job interview. What is it?
A: A job candidate brought their parent to the interview
January 8, 2024
Q: The last time this happened was in 1943. What is it?
A: An NFL game ended in a 0-0 tie
January 4, 2024
Q: The average person does this 22 times a day. What is it?
A: Open the fridge door
January 3, 2024
Q: This has happened at the US Senate cafeteria every single day for over 100 years. What is it?
A: Navy Bean Soup has been served.
December 22, 2023
Q: There are only 3 of these mentioned in the US Constitution.
A: Crimes (federal)
December 20, 2023
Q: 55% of Americans believe doing THIS is outdated! What is it?
A: Making a New Year’s resolution
December 19, 2023
Q: 35 % of people say this is the most stressful part of the holidays.
A: Coming up with gift ideas
December 18, 2023
Q: The tallest one of these ever was over 20 stories tall. What is it?
A: A Christmas tree
December 15, 2023
Q: The average person does this 140 times a year. What is it?
A: Use a plastic baggie
December 14, 2023
Q: Fewer than 20% of women do this everyday. What is it?
A: Wear makeup
December 13, 2023
Q: 66% of people now think this is acceptable to do this at the office. What is this?
A: Use emojis
December 12, 2023
Q: 32% of Americans are confident they could do THIS in an emergency. What is THIS?
A: Land a plane
December 11, 2023
Q: Three out of 10 people have this item in their home during the holidays. What is it?
A: Elf on a Shelf
December 7, 2023
Q: 0% of Baby Boomers are willing to pay $80 for THIS. What is THIS?
A: A t-shirt
December 6, 2023
Q: Experts say if you want to keep your New Year’s fitness resolution .. do THIS. What is THIS?
A: Start in December
December 5, 2023
Q: 6% of people polled admit to doing THIS multiple times a day. What is it?
A: Napping
December 4, 2023
Q: The oldest one of these is 191 years old. What is it?
A: A Tortoise
December 1, 2023
Q: Apparently, a good one of these costs about $200. What is it?
A: A good date
November 30, 2023
Q: Over the course of your lifetime, you will own, at least, 155 of these. (on average)
A: Toothbrushes
November 29, 2023
Q: Jeopardy-Style. The category is seafood. The answer is shrimp. What is the question?
A: What is the food item shared the most on Facebook?
November 28, 2023
Q: 30% of people under the age of 30 don’t use THIS. What is THIS?
A: Bar soap
November 27, 2023
Q: Almost half of Americans polled admit to doing this to their pet. What is it?
A: Talking baby talk
November 24, 2023
Q: More than 50% of employees polled .. say their workplace doesn’t have one of these. What is it?
A: A dress code
November 22, 2023
Q: What do cranberry sauce and gravy have in common?
A: You cannot take them on an airplane.
November 20, 2023
Q: Nearly 70% of millennials have never purchased one of these. What is it?
A: A toaster
November 17, 2023
Q: 27% of us say we don’t have one of these in our kitchen. What is it?
A: A rolling pin
November 16, 2023
Q: If you’re average, you plan to get 8 of these this holiday season. What is it?
A: Pounds
November 15, 2023
Q: Apparently, the average American does this five times a week. What is it?
A: Tips
November 14, 2023
Q: People say they do this, more often, during the holidays. What is it?
A: Say “thank you.”
November 10, 2023
Q: The good news is …. this has only happened to 17% of us. What is it?
A: Dislocated a joint, like a shoulder
November 9, 2023
Q: People in Wyoming do THIS more than people in any other state. What is it?
A: Stream content
November 8, 2023
Q: Nearly 25% of people say doing THIS instantly makes them happier. What is it?
A: Getting their car washed
November 7, 2023
Q: Almost 20% of people say teaching your kids THIS skill will make them more successful. What is it?
A: To write “thank you” cards
November 6, 2023
Q: South Carolina is the only state that has one of these. What is it?
A: 20-stop mayonnaise tour
November 3, 2023
Q: 12% of people say movie theaters should do this. What is this?
A: Offer an intermission during movies
November 2, 2023
Q: The average parents do this twice a week.
A: Call their parents for guidance.
November 1, 2023
Q: Now that even more people have returned to the office, sales of THIS are booming. What is THIS?
A: Deodorant
October 31, 2023
Q: 6% of women have done this on Halloween. What is it?
A: Made out with someone they didn’t recognize because of a costume
October 30, 2023
Q: The U.S. government got rid of this in 1977. What is it?
A: A Presidential Yacht
October 18, 2023
Q: 27% of people plan to pass this down to their children. What is it?
A: A family recipe
October 17, 2023
Q: 93% of Americans have one of these in their home. What is it?
A: A box of pasta
October 16, 2023
Q: One in four people say they don’t think they’re capable of doing THIS. What is THIS?
A: Changing a tire
October 13, 2023
Q: The rule is .. you can only have 3 of these a year. What are they?
A: Friday the 13th
October 12, 2023
Q: Strangely, 24% of people say they would buy one of these, if the price was right. What is it?
A: A haunted house
October 11, 2203
Q: Eight out of ten women have one of these in their purse right now. What is it?
A: Eyelash curler
October 10, 2023
Q: We’re not proud of it .. but 70% of people have lied about this. What is this?
A: Lied on their resume
October 9, 2023
Q: The average kitchen has six of these. What are they?
A: Refrigerator magnets
October 6, 2023
Q: Nearly 20% of parents say they would rather have a cavity filled than do THIS. What is THIS?
A: Pack their kid’s lunches every day
October 5, 2023
Q: Nearly 25% of people surveyed say they always do this when they’re at home. What is it?
A: Watch TV when they’re eating dinner
October 4, 2023
Q: If you own one of these .. there’s a pretty good chance you don’t use it. What is it?
A: A pool table
October 3, 2023
Q: When it comes to food .. 16% of people prefer THIS. What is THIS?
A: They prefer leftover pizza to be served cold
October 2, 2023
Q: About 75% of people in the world will be doing this at 4:00 this afternoon.
A: Sleeping
September 29, 2023
Q: If you have gained weight recently, it might be because you’re doing THIS. What is THIS?
A: Working from home
September 28, 2023
Q: In a recent survey, nearly 20% of people say they only wash this once a year. What is this?
A: Their favorite pair of jeans
September 27, 2023
Q: What do aprons, crossword books and a bottle of booze have in common?
A: They top the list of the worst-gifts to receive. (survey).
September 26, 2023
Q: After 1948, you could no longer win an Olympic medal for THIS. What is THIS?
A: Architecture
September 21, 2023
Q: 40% of people say you should never do THIS at a concert. What is THIS?
A: Bring a sign
September 20, 2023
Q: Jeopardy-Style QI: Category is architecture. The answer is 28. What is the question?
A: How many fireplaces are in the White House?
September 19, 2023
Q: When it comes to wardrobe .. 7% of people say they do this everyday. What is it?
A: Go commando
September 18, 2023
Q: Three out of 10 people say they would go into debt to buy this. What is this?
A: Concert tickets
September 15, 2023
Q: In a relationship, men are more likely to do THIS than women. What is it?
A: Say “I love you” first.
September 13, 2023
Q: This will happen in nearly half of the states in America this weekend. What is it?
A: Reba McEntire corn mazes will open in 24 states
September 6, 2023
Q: This first appeared in 1958. What is it?
A: A diet cola
September 5, 2023
Q: Surprisingly, 8% of American would like to spend more time doing this. What is this?
A: On their screens (phones, tv)
September 1, 2023
Q: The longest one of these is 5 feet and 8 inches long. What is it?
A: A mullet
August 31, 2023
Q: The annual budget for THIS is $10 million. What is THIS?
A: Baseballs in Major League Baseball
August 30, 2023
Q: It’s National Beach Day .. one in five people say THIS has happened to them at the beach.
A: “Lost” their bathing suit
August 29, 2023
Q: In a recent survey, only 14% of senior citizens would ever do THIS. What is THIS?
A: Smile in a mugshot
August 28, 2023
Q: Men are more likely to do THIS on vacation. What is it?
A: Not pack enough underwear
August 25, 2023
Q: Jeopardy-style … the answer is 4. What is the question?
A: How many countries have landed ships on the moon?
August 24, 2023
Q: 26% of Americans have not done THIS in the past year. What is it?
A: Called in sick
August 23, 2023
Q: According to experts, there is probably only one of these in the world.
A: A spotless giraffe
August 22, 2023
Q: This has changed colors, at least, four times in history. What is it?
A: The color of the Eiffel Tower
August 21, 2023
Q: 44% of people say they would give up social media for a month if they could avoid this. What is this?
A: Mosquitoes
August 18, 2023
Q: Nearly half of all men .. but only 10% of women have done this in their lifetime. What is it?
A: Been in a band
August 17, 2023
Q: Half of us will not travel without doing THIS. What is THIS?
A: Bringing our pillow
August 16, 2023
Q: The average person does this five times a day, according to a new poll. What is it?
A: Greets a neighbor
August 15, 2023
Q: 13% of people say they always do this while watching TV.
A: Put on subtitles
August 14, 2023Q
Q: 85% of people say they do THIS more today than they did five years ago. What is THIS?
A: Shop for bargains
August 4, 2023
Q: This reportedly happens to most people in their 50’s. What is it?
A: They have a noticeable reduction in body hair
August 3, 2023
Q: Nearly 60% of people say they would do this for their pet, if they could. What is THIS?
A: Donate a kidney to them
August 2, 2023
Q: Nearly 25% of Americans do not plan on doing THIS in 2023. What is it?
A: Use all of their vacation days
August 1, 2023
Q: Citizens of Washington state are the most confident about THIS. What is THIS?
A: Being naked
July 31, 2023
Q: People are most likely to do THIS between 8:00 am and noon. What is it?
A: Hit a drive-thru
July 28, 20243
Q: 45% of teenagers surveyed say they’ll probably do THIS .. in the next year. What is it?
A: Use artificial intelligence to do their homework
July 26, 2023
Q: This year we celebrate the 61st anniversary of THIS. What is THIS?
A: The release of The Jetsons tv show
July 26, 2023
Q: Nearly 40% of parents say they are not planning to spend money on THIS .. this year. What is THIS?
A: New school supplies
July 25, 2024
Q: Americans say having two of these is not enough. What is it?
A: Two vacations a year are not enough. They want three.
July 24, 2023
Q: Nearly 75% of young adults say THIS has gotten way too expensive. What is it?
A: Weddings
July 20, 2023
Q: The first time this happened in pro sports was in 1964. What is it?
A: The first athlete was awarded a million dollar endorsement deal .. and it was a bowler.
July 19, 2023
Q: This has only happened 3 times in the history of the United States. What is it?
A: The Powerball jackpot has reach $1 billion
July 18, 2023
Q: There are more than 500 types of these in the world. What are they?
A: Carnivorous plants
July 17, 2023:
Q: On average, most people would be willing to travel over 250 miles to do THIS. What is THIS?
A: Eat their favorite food
July 14, 2023
Q: Massachusetts and Alaska are the only two states that prohibit THIS. What is THIS?
A: Prohibit the sale of alcohol on election day while the polls are open.
July 13, 2023
Q: A survey found you’re more likely to do THIS by the age of 31. What is THIS?
A: Change careers
July 12, 2023
Q: 24% of people have one of these right now. What is it?
A: A broken screen on our phone
July 11, 2023
Q: On average, people in Tennessee do this more than people in any other state. What is it?
A: Shop on Amazon (spend money)
July 10, 2023
Q: Alaska, Indiana and Massachusetts all have THIS in common. What is it?
A: They don’t allow “happy hours.”
July 7, 2023
Q: This is a federal crime punishable up to a year in prison. What is it?
A: Re-using a stamp.
July 6, 2023
Q: According to Gen Z, THIS is a sign you’re old. What is THIS?
A: Scrolling on your phone with your index finger
July 5, 2023
Q: 21% of Americans say they do this at home every day. What is it?
A: Display their American flag
July 3, 2023
Q: A new study found that 25% of 40-year olds have never done THIS. What is THIS?
A: Been Married
June 28, 2023
Q: This is projected to cost Americans, at least, $250 million this year. What is it?
A: Injuries related to Pickleball
June 27, 2023
Q: 18% of people think they’re GREAT at THIS. What is THIS?
A: Small talk
June 26, 2023
Q: Surprisingly, 13% of us never do THIS. What is THIS?
A: Use an alarm
June 22, 2023
Q: This isn’t expected to happen for another 131 years. What is it?
A: Gender equality
June 21, 2023
Q: Nearly 35% of people would not wear a shirt with THIS on it. What is THIS?
A: A picture of their own face
June 20, 2023
Q: More than 60% of people polled would like to see THIS make a comeback. What is THIS?
A: Malls
June 19, 2023
Q: If you do THIS .. you’re more likely to have a longer, happier relationship. What is it?
A: Consolidate your finances
June 16, 2023
Q: Three out of four people surveyed say they would like to do this every week. What is it?
A: Eat barbecue
June 15, 2023
Q: Nearly 40% of people say if someone did this in their home, it would upset them very much. What is it?
A: Put their drink down without using a coaster
June 14, 2023
Q: 55% of couples say they never argue about THIS. What is THIS?
A: The thermostat
June 13, 2023
Q: If you live in Virginia, you’re more likely to do THIS. What is THIS?
A: Survive an alien invasion
June 12, 2023
Q: There are 28 of these in the United States. What are they?
A: Cities named “Franklin.”
June 9, 2023
Q: 70% of people swear they’ve never done this. What is this?
A: Had a party when their parents were out of town.
June 8, 2023
Q: 52% of people say THIS gives them a negative shopping experience. What is THIS?
A: When a worker greets them and asks them what they’re looking for when they enter the store.
May 7, 2023
Q: It might be hard to believe, but nearly 25% of adults admit they do THIS every night. What is THIS?
A: Sleep with a stuffed animal
June 6, 2023
Q: The longest one of these in the country is over 30 miles long. What is it?
A: A Main Street (in Island Park, Idaho)
June 5, 2023
Q: More than 80% of people say doing THIS puts them in a better mood. What is it?
A: Eating watermelon
May 31, 2023
Q: Nearly 60% of people wish they could do THIS year-round. What is THIS?
A: Eat outdoors
May 30, 2023
Q: 25% of Millennials admit to doing this at their high school reunion.
A: Bringing a condom
May 26, 2023
Q: A new poll found that young people are more likely to do this than older people in the summer. What is it?
A: Regularly wear sunscreen
May 25, 2023
Q: In a new survey, 75% of people say they prefer to do THIS at home. What is it?
A: Drink wine
May 24, 2023
Q: English law prohibits members of the royal family from doing THIS. What is THIS?
A: Signing an autograph
May 23, 2023
Q: A new survey found that THIS gets easier as we age. What is THIS?
A: Making friends
May 22, 2023
Q: Nearly 80% of Americans refuse to do THIS in their own home. What is it?
A: Ask a guest to remove their shoes
May 19, 2023
Q: Statistically, THIS is a better investment than stocks, bonds or gold. What is it?
A: Legos
May 18, 2023
Q: Hawaii and Ireland have THIS in common. What is it?
A: The two places people would like to elope
May 17, 2023
Q: 68% of people say they will never be one of these. What is it?
A: A “foodie.”
May 16, 2023
Q: What do vinegar, cinnamon, and baked beans have in common?
A: They’re foods we leave in our pantry for a year without using.
May 15, 2023
Q: The record for this is 356 in an hour. What is it?
A: Drive-through orders at a McDonald’s
May 12, 2023
Q: It’s more expensive to do this in Detroit than any other place in the country. What is THIS?
A: Insure a vehicle
May 11, 2023
Q: A quarter of Americans say they do THIS at least once a day. What is it?
A: Have a conversation about the weather.
May 10, 2023
Q: More than 80 % of Americans do it .. but women are slightly more likely to do it than men.
A: Snoop on someone’s phone
May 9, 2023
Q: It’s definitely not a good idea, yet nearly 30% of people still do it. What is it?
A: Still use the default password that came with their router.
May 5, 2023
Q: Surprisingly, this did not happen until 2005. What is it?
A: Cinco de Mayo became a national holiday in the United States.
May 4, 2023
Q: 25% of people say they feel stressed and overwhelmed when THIS is going on in their lives. What is it?
A: When they have too many tabs/browsers open on their computer
May 3, 2023
Q: This is true for 73% of mothers (who were polled).
A: They say they are the best mom in the world
May 2, 2023
Q: This has quadrupled in the past 20 years. What is it?
A: The number of dog-walking injuries.
May 1,2023
Q: People who live in Connecticut are more likely to do THIS than any other state. What is it?
A: Take a fake sick day
April 28, 2023
A: Answer is Juicy Fruit Gum. (Jeopardy-Style)
Q: What was the first product to use a UPC symbol with a barcode?
April 27, 2023
Q: 10% of people say even if they had the chance to do THIS, they wouldn’t.
A: See the Northern Lights
April 26, 2023
Q: 46% of people said they do THIS because their parents did it. What is it?
A: Use their blinkers while driving
April 25, 2023
Q: 50% of Americans have THIS in common. What is it?
A: They have online friend that they have never met in person.
April 24, 2023
Q: About 1700 people are injured every year doing THIS. What is THIS?
A: Watching a professional baseball game (live)
April 21, 2023
Q: The color of this says something about your personality. What is it?
A: Your phone
April 20, 2023
Q: There have been 53 of these in history. What are they?
A: Earth Days
April 19, 2023
Q: 23% of people working remotely admit to doing THIS. What is THIS?
A: Planning trips
April 18, 2023
Q: In May, this will happen for only the 2nd time in history. What is it?
A: A British Royal coronation will be televised
April 17, 2023
Q: When this household item was invented, it was rejected around the world because it was considered to be excessive and too feminine.
A: A fork
April 14, 2023
Q: The tallest one of these ever was 221 feet high. What is it?
A: Christmas tree
April 13, 2023
Q: A new study determined that THIS is probably dirtier than your toilet. What is THIS?
A: Your makeup brush
April 12, 2023
Q: Only 2 out of 10 men under the age of 45 do THIS every day. What is it?
A: Moisturize
April 11, 2023
Q: The average person does this four times a year online. What is it?
A: Self-diagnosis health problems online.
April 10, 2023
Q: It’s illegal to do THIS in Indiana. What is it?
A: Catch fish using dynamite
April 7, 2023
Q: It only takes six minutes to make one of these. What is it?
A: A Peep
April 6, 2023
Q: 75% of Americans do THIS more on vacation than they do at home. What is THIS?
A: Talk to strangers
April 5, 2023
Q: A psychologist says doing THIS for 12 minutes a day will reduce stress in your life. What is it?
A: Talking to a family member on the phone
April 4, 2023
Q: The average person says they fail to do THIS 55% of the time. What is it?
A: Make a good first impression
April 3, 2023
Q: 25% of people say THIS has never happened to them. What is it?
A: Never been pranked on April Fool’s Day
March 31, 2023
Q: In a new survey, a majority of workers say they would stay with a company longer if it offered THIS.
A: Pet benefits
March 30, 2023
Q: The answer is 380. What is the question? (Jeopardy-Style)
A: How many words does Keanu Reeves say in the new John Wick movie?
March 29, 2023 (Jeopardy Style)
Q: The answer is 644. What is the question?
A: How many people have been in space?
March 28th, 2023
Q: 45% of sports fans admit to doing THIS. What is THIS?
A: Traveling to a different country to watch a sports game
March 27, 2023
Q: The first one of these first appeared in the U.S. in 1950. What is it?
A: A credit card
March 24, 2023
Q: 10% of renters admit to doing THIS. What is THIS?
A: Hiding an animal from their landlord
March 23, 2023
Q: One in five Americans do THIS on a regular basis. What is THIS?
A: Driving while angry
March 22, 2023
March 21, 2023
Q: A third of people under the age of 40 say this is one of the hardest parts of growing up (being an adult).
A: Planning meals every day
March 20, 2023
Q: Nearly 50% of people aged 42 and under have done THIS in the past month. What is it?
A: Eaten Ramen noodles
March 17, 2023
Q: There are ten of these in the United States. What are they?
A: Cities named Dublin
March 16, 2023
Q: The average person says they need three of these. What are they?
A: Pillows
March 15, 2023
Q: Nearly 20% of people surveyed say they spent $309 doing this last year. What is it?
A: Shopping while under the influence
March 14, 2023
Q: California has 76 of these. Wyoming has none. What are they?
A: A city with a population over 100,000
March 13, 2023
Q: For the 1st time in nearly a century, this has decreased in America. What is it?
A: America’s collective IQ
March 10, 2023
Q: The record for THIS is 11. What is it?
A: The number of Oscars for one movie.
March 9, 2023
Q: A poll finds that 10% of people do this when they stay in a hotel. What is it?
A: Bring their own sheets
March 8, 2023
Q: New research says this is true for nearly 10% of senior citizens in the U.S.
A: They still don’t have life figured out.
March 7, 2023
Q: The first time this occurred in Washington D.C. was in 1865. What is it?
A: A sports team first visited the White House
March 6, 2023
Q: Nearly one in five people have a favorite one of these. What’s the answer?
A: A pen
March 3, 2023
Q: On average, this gets replaced every year-and-a-half. What is it?
A: Currency (a dollar bill)
March 2, 2023
Q: Over the last 25 years, this has increased by almost 400%. What is it?
A: Tooth Fairy Pay out
February 28, 2023
Q: Two-thirds of people say they decided to cancel THIS. What is THIS?
A: A friendship
February 27, 2023
Q: This has only happened 13 times in the history of the NHL.
A: A goalie scored a goal.
February 24, 2023
Q: This has only happened once in the history of the NFL. What is it?
A: There’s only been one seven-foot player in the NFL. Richard Sligh was exactly seven feet, and played defensive tackle for the Oakland Raiders for one season in 1967.
February 23, 2023
Q: A new study found that doing THIS once a day will make you happier. What is it?
A: Having a meaningful conversation
February 22, 2023
Q: The average American thinks they could do this 39 times a day if they had to. What is it?
A: Kill a zombie
February 21, 2023
Q: On average, it takes less than 5 seconds to do THIS. What is it?
A: Determine if you like a song
February 20, 2023
Q: Every one of these in the United States is in Wisconsin. What are they?
A: Certified Master Cheesemaker
February 15, 2023
Q: For the average American THIS happens twice a month. What is it?
A: They get a piece of mail (not counting bills, junk mail, and package)
February 14, 2023
Q: Nearly 60% of single adults say they are not doing this on Valentine’s Day. What is it?
A: Look for a relationship
February 13, 2023
Q: This season, the NFL spent $800,000 on THIS. What is THIS?
A: Grass for the Super Bowl
February 10, 2023
Q: In sports .. this happened for the first time in 1984. What is it?
A: The first “Gatorade shower.”
February 9, 2023
Q: This popular product is named after a farm animal. What is the product?
A: Snickers
February 7, 2023
Q: There are an estimated 5000 of these in the US. What are they?
A: Janitors who have PhD’s. (Source: UberFacts)
February 6, 2023
Q: According to the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council, it’s bad etiquette to do THIS. What is THIS?
A: To eat a hot dog in more than five bites
February 3, 2023
Q: 30% of people have seen this happen at a Super Bowl party. What is it?
A: An argument over food/snacks
February 2, 2023
Q: It’s legal to do THIS in Central Park. What is THIS?
A: Scatter ashes
February 1, 2023
Q: There’s only one state in the US that has one of these. What is it?
A: An official hashtag (Texas is the only state where the legislature voted for an official state hashtag)
January 31, 2023
Q: A new poll found that nearly 70% of cats and dogs enjoy doing THIS. What is THIS?
A: Watching TV
January 30, 2023
Q: Of all the US cities, Minneapolis, Minnesota is #1 for THIS. What is THIS?
A: The most single men over the age of 18 (according to the US census)
January 27, 2023
Q: America is now #1 in the world for THIS. What is THIS?
A: Tattoo removal and corrections
January 26, 2023
Q: The average person does THIS for, at least, a half hour a day. What is it?
A: Chews
January 25, 2023
Q: Nearly 40% of pet owners have done this in 2023. What is it?
A: Set a New Year’s resolution for their pet
January 24, 2023
Q: The average parent says this last 3 hours. What is it?
A: A kid’s birthday party
January 23, 2023
Q: This is illegal in Idaho and has a maximum sentence of 14 years. What is it?
A: Cannibalism
January 20, 2023
Q: This is true for about 33% of American adults. What is it?
A: They have criminal records
January 19, 2023
Q: The oldest one of these in the world is in New York City. What is it?
A: Piano (The world’s oldest surviving piano is at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. The instrument dates back to 1720, and was made by an Italian man named Bartolomeo Cristofori.)
Source: Mental Floss
January 18, 2023
Q: Guys … a new study says doing THIS can increase your chance of hair loss. What is THIS?
A: Drinking one soda per day
January 17, 2023
The worst state to do THIS in is Hawaii. What is it?
Answer: Drive
January 16, 2023
Q: 37% of people have already done THIS in 2023. What is THIS?
A: Cried
January 13, 2023
Q: If you do this, you are lame, according to Gen Zers. What is it?
A: Play your “air guitar.”
January 12, 2023
Q: 0% of people over the age of 65 love doing this. What is this?
A: Extreme sports
January 11, 2023
Q: The chance of this happening to you is down 50% from 2019. What is it?
A: Getting stuck in traffic
January 10, 2023
Q: Surprisingly, this did not occur until 1977. What is it?
A: All Ivy league schools accepted women
January 9, 2023
Q: If you want to live longer, do THIS. What is THIS?
A: Move to or live in Hawaii
January 6, 2023
Q: Millennials are more likely to do THIS than any other generation. What is THIS?
A: Make big decisions based on their horoscope.
January 5, 2023
Q: Nearly 45% of people say they do THIS every night. What is THIS?
A: Sleep with a stuffed animal
January 3, 2023
Q: The average adult hasn’t done THIS in over two years. What is it?
A: Decluttered their house
December 23, 2022
Q: On average, over 3000 Americans go to the emergency room because of THIS. What is THIS?
A: Tanning bed injuries
December 22, 2022
Q: This happens every year on December 26th about 2:00 pm. What is it?
A: People are officially sick of their families
December 21, 2022
Q: The first time this happened was Christmas Eve in 1906. What is it?
A: The 1st song was played on the radio. It was “O Holy Night.”
December 20, 2022
Q: 25% of adults say they haven’t done THIS in 20 years. What is THIS?
A: Been in a snowball fight
December 19, 2022
Q: Jeopardy-Style QI: The answer is 19. What is the question?
A: How many people, does the average host invite to their New Year’s Eve party?
December 15, 2022
Q: This happened in professional sports for the first time this year. What is it?
A: No British soccer fans were arrested at the World Cup
December 14, 2022
Q: Right now, this is happening 160 times a day in America. What is it?
A: Someone falls off a ladder putting up holiday lights.
December 13, 2022
Q: 45% of people think it’s rude to this. What is it?
A: Leave a New Year’s Eve party before midnight
December 12, 2022
Q: The average length of time for this is 36 hours. What is it?
A: How long a dirty dish sits in the sink.
December 8, 2022
Q: 12% of people polled claimed they have never done THIS. What is THIS?
A: Googled themselves
December 7, 2022
Q: 26% of us believe we possess this skill. What is it?
A: The ability to land a plane in an emergency with the help of air traffic control
December 6, 2022
Q: It’s illegal to do this in Arizona without a permit. What is it?
A: Feed garbage to pigs
December 5, 2022
Q: 3% of us doing THIS on Christmas day. What is THIS?
A: Put up Christmas lights
December 2, 2022
Q: 15% of Americans have complete trust in THIS. What is THIS?
A: Tarot card readings
December 1, 2022
Q: If you’re average, you spend 34 hours, over the course of your life, doing THIS. What is THIS?
A: Untangling holiday lights
November 30, 2022
Q: Nearly 45% of people claim they’ve never done THIS. What is THIS?
A: Lied about their age
November 29, 2022
Q: 48% of American households have one of these. What are they?
A: Vomit bowl
November 28, 2022
Q: Nearly 20% of people say this is true about Cyber Monday.
A: It’s their favorite day of the year
November 25, 2022
Q: According to a new study, men with higher IQs are more likely to do THIS. What is THIS?
A: Bet on horses
November 23, 2022
Q: There are only two of these in the U.S. What are they?
A: Towns named Turkey
November 22, 2022
Q: 7% of people plan on doing THIS before hosting Thanksgiving. What is it?
A: Hiding their valuables.
November 21,2022
Q: 87% of pet owners are convinced THIS is true?
A: You can teach an old dog new tricks
November 18, 2022
Q: Over half of us would like to do THIS over the holidays. What is it?
A: Ban a relative from coming to the festivities
November 17, 2022
Q: The average American has done THIS, at least, 34 times. What is it?
A: Watched their favorite-comfort movie
November 16, 2022
Q: On average, this now costs $130 a month.
A: Dating
November 15, 2022
Q: One in five people say this is true for their family. What is it?
A: They have their own language
November 14, 2022
Q: This only occurs in New Hampshire. What is it?
A: New Hampshire is the only state where it’s still not mandatory for adults to wear seatbelts.
November 11, 2022
Q: The first time this happened was in 1988 in New York. What is it?
A: The first cyberattack
November 9, 2022
Q: 14% of us say we will never do THIS for the rest of our lives. What is it?
A: Tell people who we voted for
November 8, 2022
Q: Nearly 90% of us are planning to do THIS in 2022. What is it?
A: Cut at least one dish from the Thanksgiving menu.
November 7, 2022
Q: In 1974, there were more than 1/2 million of these in the U.S. Now there are none. What are they?
A: Pay toilets
November 4, 2022
Q: 8% of American adults have THIS in common. What is it?
A: They’re afraid of the dark
November 3, 2022
Q: It’s hard to believe but THIS lasted 90 years. What is it?
A: The longest recorded marriage
November 2, 2022
Q: The oldest person to do THIS was 90. The youngest was 9. What did they do?
A: Bowl a game of 300
November 1, 2022Q: Alaska has more of THIS than the rest of the U.S. combined.
A: Coastline
October 31, 2022
Q: In a nationwide poll, 33% of people say they have never done THIS. What is THIS?
A: Built a snowman
October 28, 2022
Q: If you do THIS, it’ll ruin your chances for a second date. What is it?
A: If you order a well-done steak and eat it with ketchup
October 27, 2022
Q: This turns 465 years old this year. What is it?
A: The equal sign
October 26, 2022
Q: There are more of these in Portland, Oregon, per capita, than any where else in the country. What are they?
A: Strip clubs
October 25, 2022
Q: 48% of us would do THIS 3 times a week, if we could. What is it?
A: Eat steak
October 24, 2022
Q: In the history of high school sports, THIS has only happened once. What is it?
A: A student and player in California became the first girl in state history to score two touchdowns in a varsity football game.
October 21, 2022
Q: More than 60% of parents of young children have THIS in common. What is it?
A: They have hidden in the BATHROOM just to get away from the kids
October 20, 2022
Q: One in 7 people say they actually enjoy THIS. What is THIS?
A: Awkward situations
October 19, 2022
Q: Nearly 40% of people polled admit they don’t have the confidence to do THIS. What is THIS?
A: Try new fashion trends
October 18, 2022
Q: More than 60% of us have regretted doing THIS. What is THIS?
A: Buying something cheap (a cheaper product)
October 17, 2022
Q: The average person spends nearly 3 hours a week doing THIS. What is THIS?
A: Complaining about their job
October 14, 2022
Q: 12% of adults describe themselves as THIS. What is THIS?
A: Spontaneous
October 13, 2022
Q: For 16% of people, this is the first thing that happens when they wake up. What is it?
A: They feel stressed
October 12, 2022
Q: Since 2020, almost 20% of people say they don’t do THIS on a regular basis. What is it?
A: Wear deodorant
October 11, 2022
Q: If you’re average, you refuse to do THIS for the next 6 months. What is it?
A: Throw away your leftover Halloween candy
October 10, 2022
Q: This is most likely to happen on a Wednesday. What is it?
A: Family dinner (families are most likely to eat dinner together on a Wednesday)
October 7, 2022
Q: Nearly 10% of people say they have a vivid memory of doing THIS. What is THIS?
A: Taking their first steps
October 6, 2022
Q: Half of us have, at least, one of these in our neighborhood. What is it?
A: A neighbor we wish would move away
October 5, 2022
Q: The largest one of these in the world is located in Eurasia? (Europe/Asia. What is it?
A: The world’s largest KFC is in Baku, Azerbaijan. It was built in an old train station, and it’s about 17,000 square feet.
October 4, 2022
Q: This has happened almost every year in America since 1936. What is it?
A: A citizen has won a Nobel Prize
October 3, 2022
Q: According to a new poll, 20% of men say they do THIS 3 times a week at the office. What is it?
A: Wear the same shirt
September 30, 2022
Q: Nearly 10% of people say this has happened to them on a 1st date. What is it?
A: Their credit card got declined
September 29, 2022
Q: Nearly 20% of people have done THIS in the month of September. What is it?
A: Bought their Halloween candy
September 22, 2022
Q: Every year, there are about 40 quadrillion of these in America. What are they?
A: Fallen leaves
September 21, 2022
Q: Some Ivy League Schools require you to do THIS to graduate.
A: Pass a swimming test
September 20, 2022
Q: This is true for 10% of Americans currently in a relationship. What is it?
A: They have a secret credit card
September 19, 2022
Q: 51% of us will do THIS today. What is THIS?
A: Use a promotional item of some kind that they got for free
September 16, 2022
Q: Surprisingly, six out of ten people think it is socially acceptable to do THIS. What is THIS?
A: Celebrate Halloween before October
eptember 15, 2022
Q: People under 40 say you have a better chance of getting a 2nd date with them if you do THIS. What is THIS?
A: Use Emojis in texts
September 14, 2022
Question: 81% of Americans have THIS in common. What is it?
Answer: They like where they live.
September 12, 2022
Q: It’s hard to believe, but 15% of people say they’ve actually done THIS. What is THIS?
A: Read someone else’s diary
September 9, 2022
Q: According to military records, this has only occurred once in history. What is it?
A: A military plane shot at a UFO.
September 9, 2022
Q: According to a survey, Dads are more likely than Moms to do THIS for their kids. What is THIS?
A: Buy them books
September 7, 2022
Q: Out of all of the states, it’s least expensive to do THIS in Maine. What is it?
A: Get your car fixed
September 2, 2022
Q: It’s hard to believe, but this has never happened in the city of Miami, Florida. What is it?
A: The temperature in Miami has never gone over 100. In fact, it’s only ever hit 100 once, on July 21st, 1942.
September 1, 2022
Q: The 1st time this happened was in 1942. The second time it happened was in 2006. What is it?
A: Disney released a Bambi film (1st and sequel)
August 31, 2022
Q: There are an estimated 3 million of these in the world’s oceans. What are they?
A: Ships, lying on the ocean floor
August 30, 2022
Q: In a survey of Millennials, nearly 40% say they would consider ending a relationship over THIS. What is THIS?
A: Eating in bed
August 29, 2022
Q: Nearly 70% of people say THIS makes their job better. What is it?
A: Music at the office
August 26, 2022
Q: In a new poll, 21% of Americans describe themselves as THIS. What is THIS?
A: A cat person
August 25, 2022
Q: Nearly 10% of people polled say they regret giving up THIS. What is THIS?
A: Playing the recorder
August 24, 2022
Q: Over half of us say THIS has changed our lives for the better. What is THIS?
A: A teacher
August 23, 2022
Q: In 1924, you could win an Olympic medal for THIS. What is THIS?
A: Music, painting, sculpture, and architecture.
August 19, 2022
Q: The average person says they were 16 years old when they first experienced THIS. What is THIS?
A: Their first cup of coffee
August 17, 2022
Q: Sales of THIS were up last year for the first time in almost 20 years.
A: CDs
August 16, 2022
Q: The largest one of these can be found in India. What is it?
A: Sports stadium
August 15, 2022
Q: It’s legal now, but this was banned in the US for a short time in the 1940’s. What is it?
A: Sliced bread
August 12, 2022
Q: About 3,000 people are injured by one of these every year. What is it?
A: A beach umbrella
August 11, 2022
Q: More than 300 million of these have been sold since the 1940’s. What are they?
A: Slinky
August 10, 2022
Q: A quarter of Americans say there is no way they could keep THIS up for six months. What is THIS?
A: Keep a houseplant alive
August 9, 2022
Q: The 1st time this happened in the United States was in 1872. What is THIS?
A: A woman ran for president
August 8, 2022
Q: In the history of the NFL .. only 13 players have this in common. What is THIS?
A: They were born in Alaska
August 5, 2022
Q: If you’re a man and you have one of these, statistically, you may be more intelligent than other men.
A: A hairy chest
August 4, 2022
Q: Dog owners do this more often compared to people who have no pets. What is it?
A: Laugh
August 3, 2022
Question: The average person does THIS by 11:00 am every day. What is THIS?
Answer: Drop their first curse word of the day.
August 2, 2022
A: The answer is 21. The category is food. What is the question?
Q: How many cookies does the average person eat in a month?
August 1, 2022
Q: If you’re average, you do THIS 4 times a day. What is THIS?
A: Keep your opinion to yourself
July 27, 2022
Q: Only 20% of men do THIS every day. What is THIS?
A: Housework
July 26, 2022
Q: The average cost of this is about $400.
A: Cost of a check engine light repair
July 22, 2022
Q: 45% of people said they would never have one of these.
A: Gender Reveal Party
July 21, 2022
Q: 6% of people say they only like one kind of THIS. What is THIS?
A: Ice cream
July 20, 2022
Q: Seven out of 10 Americans say they support THIS. What is THIS?
July 19, 2022
Q: The average person has 3 of these. What are they?
A: Pairs of Sunglasses
July 18, 2022
Q: At any given moment, 50 million people are doing THIS. What is THIS?
A: Getting or are drunk
July 15, 2022
Q: You can expect to get 30 new of these this year. What are they?
A: Emojis
July 14, 2022
Q: The world record for doing THIS is over 2500. What is THIS?
A: Skinny dipping (amount of people doing it at the same time)
July 13, 2022
Q: It’s surprising, but nearly 20% of people have never done THIS. What is THIS?
A: Bought ice cream from an ice cream truck
July 12, 2022
Q: Men are slightly worse then woman .. at doing THIS. What is THIS?
A: Remembering people’s names
July 11, 2022
Q: According to a survey, when you move, you’re least likely to pack up and take THIS with you. What is THIS?
A: Books
July 8, 2022
Q: 27% of married people have THIS in common. What is THIS?
A: They call their in-laws “Mom” and “Dad.”
July 7, 2022
Q: This argument was finally settled in 1880. What was the argument?
A: On how to answer the phone. (What do you say to start a telephone conversation.)
July 6, 2022
Q: The youngest person to have done THIS is now 86. What is THIS?
A: Walked on the moon
July 5, 2022
Q: According to a relationship expert, doing THIS will improve your friendships. What is THIS?
A: Moving away
June 30, 2022
Q: You’re more likely to do THIS at 6:00 pm than any other time during the day. What is it?
A: Order food for delivery
June 29, 2022
Q: In a recent survey, 3% of people said they haven’t done THIS in a year. What is THIS?
A: Used a pen or pencil
June 28, 2022
Q: 57% of Americans say they have what it takes to do THIS. What is THIS?
A: Be an action movie star/hero
June 27, 2022
Q: You’re more likely to be friends with someone if you have this in common. What is this?
A: Similar body odor
June 24, 2022
Q: Nearly 70% of people, in a survey, say they plan to do THIS this summer. What is THIS?
A: Say YES to every special occasion they get invited to
June 23, 2022
Q: 6% of people say they don’t care what you say … they think it is FINE to do THIS. What is THIS?
A: Peeing in the pool
June 22, 2022
Q: 60% of people in a relationship say THIS about their partner. What is THIS?
A: Their driving makes them nervous
June 21, 2022
Q: In a new survey, 7% of people say they haven’t done THIS in more than 10 years. What is THIS?
A: Gone to the dentist
June 20, 2022
Q: 83% of people have, at least, one of these. What are they?
A: A phobia
June 17, 2022
Q: 30% of working Americans refuse to do this. What is THIS?
A: Respond to work emails after hours
June 16, 2022
Q: The average parent does this 700 times a month. What is it?
A: Says NO
June 15, 2022
Q: You do THIS less often at the age of 40, than any other time in your life. What is it?
A: Sleep
June 13, 2022
Q: Nearly 25% of people say this has happened to them while traveling. What is it?
A: Met the person they were to marry
June 10, 2022
Q: 41% of people surveyed rate themselves as “above average” at this. What is this?
A: Spelling
June 9, 2022
Q: 25% of people say they would be willing to pay someone to do THIS. What is THIS?
A: Assemble IKEA furniture
June 8, 2022
Q: 25% of us say we have tried, at least, 15 of these in our lifetime. What are they?
A: Diet plans
June 7, 2022
Q: The Guinness record for THIS is 13 seconds. What is it?
A: The shortest music concert
June 6, 2022
Q: South Dakota has more of these than any other state. What are they?
A: Family-owned businesses
June 3, 2022
Q: The largest one of these in the world is in Birmingham, Alabama. What is it?
A: Cast Iron Statue
June 2, 2022
Q: In the history of professional sports, this has only happened twice. What is it?
A: Only two athletes have ever had their numbers retired across an entire league . . . Jackie Robinson’s number 42 is retired for all of Major League Baseball, and Wayne Gretzky’s number 99 is retired for the entire NHL.
June 1, 2022
Q: More than half of us take THIS as a compliment. What is it?
A: Being called “cheap.”
May 31, 2022
Q: If you’re average, you have more than five of these. What are they?
A: Pairs of Jeans
May 27, 2022
Q: The smallest one of these is about $1.50. The largest one of these sold for almost $1.5 million. What is it?
A: A bottle of whiskey
May 26, 2022
Q: Only about 7% of people in the world have one of these. What are they?
A: A college degree
May 25, 2022
Q: 33% of pet owners say they’ve done THIS, at least, once. What is THIS?
A: They have used their pets’ names as a password.
May 24, 2022
Q: Of all animal species on earth, human beings are #1 for THIS. What is THIS?
A: We have the largest butts (proportionally to our body size)
May 23, 2022
Q: On average, it takes just over 9 full days to accomplish THIS. What is THIS?
A: To become best friends with someone.
May 20, 2022
Q: This was originally used as a torture device. Now many of us own one. What is it?
A: A treadmill
May 19, 2022
Q: If you’re average, you will do THIS 208 times this year. What is it?
A: The average person eats a salad four times a week. (208 times a year)
May 18, 2022
Q: Lions, camels and elephants have this in common. What is it?
A: They were the live animals in the 1st Macy Day Parade in New York City. (
May 17, 2022
Q: More than 90% of Americans say they no longer do THIS.
A: They no longer answer the phone when it’s an unknown number
May 16, 2022
Q: Surprisingly, this American item was created by a Canadian. What is it?
A: American Cheese
May 13, 2022
Q: The answer is 34 miles. What is the question?
A: The average person would travel 34 miles to find the perfect hamburger
May 12, 2022
Q: Iowa has the fewest of these. Massachusetts has the most. What are they?
A: Official state items
May 11, 2022
Q: If you’re average, when you travel, you’ll come home with four of these. What are they?
A: Four new friends
May 10, 2022
Q: There are only 2 people in history who have done THIS. What is THIS?
A: There are only two people who have ever won a Nobel Prize AND an Oscar. (George Bernard Shaw and Bob Dylan.)
May 9, 2022
Q: This is true for more than a million American dogs. What is it?
A: They are named the beneficiary of their owners’ wills
May 6, 2022
Q: The average person does this 7 times a year. What is it?
A: Take a picture with their mom
May 5, 2022
Q: Experts say you should have 12 of these. What are they?
A: You should have 12 characters in your password to make it secure.
May 4, 2022
Q: 33% of people say they’re going to do THIS for Mother’s Day. What is it?
A: Go into debt
May 3, 2022
Q: Almost half of people polled say they’re too embarrassed to do THIS in public. What is it?
A: Crunches
May 2, 2022
Q: We’re most likely to do THIS on a Wednesday. What is it?
A: Hit the snooze button
April 29, 2022
Q: Pennsylvania is now known as the #1 state for THIS. What is THIS?
A: Overweight dogs
April 28, 2022
Q: Oklahoma is the only state to have one of these. What is it?
A: An official state meal
April 27, 2022
Q: This woman’s fashion item was originally designed for men. What is it?
A: High-heel shoes
April 26, 2022
Q: 15% of us admit to lying about THIS all the time. What is THIS?
A: Flossing
April 25, 2022
Q: One out of ten people want scientists to do THIS for the planet. What is it?
A: Bring back dinosaurs
April 22, 2022
Q: Surprisingly, you can buy a year’s worth of this for 50 cents. What is it?
A: Electricity to charge your phone every night
April 21, 2022
Q: Six out of ten people say every day should be _______. Fill in the blank.
A: Every day should be Mother’s Day
April 20, 2022
Q: Nearly 30% of people polled .. say they do THIS every day of their life. And they’re not ashamed to admit it. What is it?
A: Eat candy
April 19, 2022
Q: 45% of people who exercise regularly say they do this, at least, once a week. What is it?
A: Exercise with their dog
April 18, 2022
Q: It might surprise you but almost 10% of people enjoy doing THIS. What is THIS?
A: Filing your taxes
April 15, 2022
Q: A third of women say they do THIS because they’re bored. What is THIS?
A: Dye their hair
April 14, 2022
Q: The largest one of these in the world is in Texas right now. What is it?
A: The largest belt buckle
April 13, 2022
Q: 52% of people say they do THIS more as an adult then they did as a child. What is it?
A: Eat candy
April 12, 2022
Q: About five out of ten Americans are clueless about THIS. What is THIS?
A: When the tax deadline is this year.
April 11, 2022
Question: There are 817,000 of these currently in the world. What are they?
Answer: TV shows that are available to watch
April 8, 2022
Q: Eight out of ten Europeans have one of these. But only one out of ten Americans have one. What is it?
A: Stick shift car
April 7, 2022
Q: Beer is the#1 drink we order a a bar. What is #2?
A: Margarita
April 6, 2022
Q: 55% of Americans possess one of these. What are they?
A: A library card
April 5, 2022
Q: The average kid does this more than a hundred times a year. What is it?
A: Gets injured
April 4, 2022
Q: Married couples who do THIS are less likely to get divorced. What is it?
A: Have joint bank accounts
April 1, 2022
Q: The average person spends more than $200 a year on THIS. What is THIS?
A: To make their home smell good.
March 31, 2022
Q: The answer is 13. What is the question?
A: For the average person, how many pounds would you have to gain before you cut back on drinking?
March 30, 2022
Q: Sales of this product are up 60% compared to last year. What is it?
A: E-scooters
March 29, 2022
Q: The average person does THIS eight times a year. What is it?
A: Orders something online and forgets about it until it arrives
March 28, 2022
Q: According to a new study, you should be doing more of THIS at work. What is THIS?
A: Giving constructive criticism to your co-workers
March 25, 2022
Q: You probably don’t know anyone who has one of these now. But back in the 1980’s .. 20% of Americans owned one. What are they?
A: A water bed
March 24, 2022
Q: This happened for the 1st time in 1878. What is it?
A: The first phone book was published in Connecticut.
March 23, 2022
Q: In a recent poll, Duke University finished 1st in THIS. What is THIS?
A: Duke has the wildest AND loudest student section at basketball games.
March 22, 2022
Q: 78% of people say this is true for their pets. What is it?
A: They have two nicknames
March 21, 2022
Q: This happens six thousand times per second, around the world. What is it?
A: A Tweet is sent
March 16, 2022
Q: 20% of people admit to have doing THIS, at least, once. What is it?
A: Eating food out of the trash
March 15, 2022
Q: Two out of five Americans say they do THIS online. What is it?
A: They follow at least one candy brand or store on social media.
March 14, 2022
Q: Since the 1970’s, 50 million people have done THIS. What is THIS?
A: Participated in NCAA bracket pools.
March 11, 2022
Q: One out of ten of us admit we could be tricked into doing THIS. What is THIS?
A: Joining a cult
March 10, 2022
Q: We do this all the time now. But the 1st time someone did it was more than 180 years ago.
A: Take a selfie
March 9, 2022
Q: This is true for the country of Belize. What is it?
A: It’s the country with the national flag that has the most colors. (19)
March 8, 2022
Q: On average, it would take you 18 months to do THIS. What is THIS?
A: Walk the “Great Wall of China.” (It’s more than 5,500 miles long)
March 7, 2022
Q: In 1993, there were about 600 of these. Now there are 2 billion. What are they?
A: Websites
March 4, 2022
Q: Kids are doing this more often now than they were in 2018.
A: Using their parent’s credit card without permission.
March 3, 2022
Q: This is true for only one country in the world. What is it?
A: Only one country starts with the letter O (Oman), Q (Qatar) or Y (Yemen).
March 2, 2022
Q: 23% of people surveyed say THIS should be happening in your kitchen. What is it?
A: You should be storing your toaster in a hidden-way place, freeing up the counter
March 1, 2022
Q: Oddly, nearly 25% of people find this sound to be annoying. What is the sound?
A: The sound of chirping birds
February 28, 2022
Q: In a new survey, 56% of people say they plan to do this in the next month. What is it?
A: Watch an many as the Oscar-nominated films (before the Oscar ceremony)
February 25, 2022
Q: According to a new study, this helps keep your brain young and to prevent memory loss. What is THIS?
A: Owning a pet
February 24, 2021
Q: In most cities, you’ll find THIS at Chuck E Cheese more than any other restaurant.
A: Adults fighting
February 23, 2022
Q: One out of 3 smart phone users have never done this before. What is it?
A: Used a paper map
February 22, 2022
Q: The average pet does this about 4 times a day. What is it?
A: Eat something they should not
February 18, 2022
Q: The 1st one of these showed up in 1847. What is it?
A: A chocolate bar
February 17, 2022
Q: According to a new study, THIS helps to boost your immune system. What is THIS?
A: Being attractive
February 16, 2022
Q: Twelve presidents in history have THIS in common. What is it?
A: They were all fluent in Latin
February 15, 2022
February 9, 2022
Q: 22% of people claim they can do THIS. What is THIS?
A: Eat a whole pizza by themselves
February 8, 2022
Q: It’s hard to believe, but thousands of people are still doing THIS in 2022. What is THIS?
A: Using AOL’s dial-up service
February 7, 2022
Q: When it comes to television, 67% of Americans believe THIS. What is THIS?
A: Their life would make an interesting sitcom
February 4, 2022
Q: Nearly 60% of people say it annoys them when others do THIS. What is THIS?
A: Use big words in everyday conversation to try to impress others
February 3, 2022
Q: In the history of sports, this has only happened once. What is it?
A: A city hosted both winter and summer Olympics
February 2, 2022
Q: Doctors who do THIS make fewer errors in surgery. What is THIS?
A: Play video games three hours a week
February 1, 2022
Q: 39% of us believe this to be true about ourselves. What is it?
A: We are the best drivers we know
January 31, 2022
Q: 33% of Americans say THIS causes them to lose sleep. What is THIS?
A: Trying to book a vacation
January 28, 2022
Q: Almost 95% of Americans have THIS in common. What is THIS?
A: We’ve eaten pizza within the last month
January 26, 2022
Q: On average, people who try this, give up after 3 months. What is THIS?
A: Trying to become a vegetarian
January 25, 2022
Q: Scientists say this has only happened once in outer space. What is it?
A: Only one satellite has ever been destroyed by a meteor
January 24, 2022
Q: This is more likely to happen to you on a Monday than any other day of the week. What is it?
A: You get hurt at work
January 20, 2022
Q: If you’re having trouble sleeping, try THIS (according to a survey). What is THIS?
A: Paint your room purple
January 19, 2022
Q: Doing THIS for just 30 seconds will help you lose weight. What is it?
A: Chewing your food
January 18, 2022
Q: Nearly 60% of regular TV viewers have this in common. What is it?
A: They have a business idea they think would impress the investors on “Shark Tank.”
January 17, 2022
Q: This is more likely to happen to you during a full moon. What is it?
A: Get bitten by a shark
January 14, 2022
Q: New research has found that doing this makes you more attractive. What is it?
A: Wearing a mask
January 13, 2022
Q: The record for THIS was set back in 1887. What is it?
A: The largest snowflake was recorded in 1887 at Fort Keogh, Montana. It was reportedly 15 inches in diameter and eight inches thick.
January 12, 2022
Q: This only happened six times during World War II. What is it?
A: Six deaths on US soil
January 11, 2021
Q: The movies ET, Tootsie, and Rain Main ALL have this in common. What is it?
A: They’ve never had a remake, sequel or prequel
January 10, 2021
Q: Nearly 60% of Americans say doing THIS every week makes them happy! What is it?
A: Doing nothing for an entire day
January 7, 2022
Q: This is true for 2/3 of the people in the world. What is it?
A: They’ve never seen snow
January 6, 2022
Q: We’re doing this 30% less than we were two years ago. What is it?
A: Dating
January 5, 2022
Q: We do THIS more than any other country on earth. What is it?
A: Drink orange juice
January 4, 2022
Q: Surprisingly, 3% of Americans don’t like THIS. What is THIS?
A: Spaghetti
January 3, 2022
Q: Younger people are 25% more likely to do THIS than older people. What is it?
A: Make a New Year’s resolution
December 23, 2021
Q: The first one of these started in 1921. What is it?
A: Fast-food chain. White Castle in Wichita, Kansas
December 22, 2021
Q: This holiday tradition started in San Francisco. What is it?
A: The first Salvation Army collection kettle appeared in San Francisco. It was a large crab pot with a sign that said, “Keep the Pot Boiling.”
December 21, 2021
Q: The first time this occurred in history was on Christmas Eve. What is it?
A: The first song was played on the radio and it was “O Holy Night”
December 20, 2021
Q: This was created by a department store in 1939. What is it?
A: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
December 17, 2021
Q: 33% of us say we got a brand new one of these in the past year. What is it?
A: A friend
December 16, 2021
Q: One out of four men admit to doing THIS while intoxicated. What is it?
A: Putting up the Christmas tree
December 15, 2021
Q: This is not safe to do, but nearly 70% of us have done it, at least once. What is it?
A: Left Christmas tree lights on overnight
December 14, 2021
Q: It turns out, you cannot do THIS in space. What is THIS?
A: Drink a beer
December 13, 2021
Q: You can legally do THIS in every country on Earth, except for two. What is it?
A: Divorce (It’s illegal in Vatican City and the Philippines)
December 10, 2021
Q: Surprisingly, more than 30% of millennials LOVE doing this. What is THIS?
A: Mowing the lawn
December 8, 2021
Q: From the time we were born, all human beings have THIS in common. What is THIS?
A: We have two natural fears: the fear of falling and the fear of loud sounds. All other fears and phobias are learned or acquired later in life.
December 6, 2021
Q: Nearly 25% of American households do this in the bathroom. What is it?
A: Decorate for Christmas
December 3, 2021
Q: 6% of people say they never do THIS. What is THIS?
A: Tip
December 2, 2021
Q: If you’re average, you do THIS 94 times a year. What is THIS?
A: A good deed for someone else
December 1, 2021
Q: Denver, San Francisco and Salt Lake City all have THIS in common. What is it?
A: They are the worst cities for package theft (off of front porches) this year
November 30, 2021
A: The answer is 29 days.
Q: What is the ideal amount of vacation days the average person wants?
November 29, 2021
Q: The average length of time it takes for THIS is 14 seconds. What is THIS?
A: To determine whether or not you like your Christmas present
November 26, 2021
Q: If you’re average, you’ll do this for the equivalent of six full days each year. What is it?
A: Wash dishes
November 24, 2021
Q: The average number of this is 4,500. What is it?
A: The average number of calories consumed on Thanksgiving
November 23, 2021
Q: In a survey, 79% of people say they don’t own any of this. What is this?
A: Colorful clothing
November 22, 2021
Q: According to a new poll, men admit to doing THIS twice as often as women. What is it?
A: Watching a movie while sitting on the toilet
November 19, 2021
Q: 20% of people working from home have done this during the pandemic. What is it?
A: Worked from a closet
November 18, 2021
Q: 52% of people say this is the worst part of the holidays. What is it?
A: Wrapping presents
November 17, 2021
Q: 20% of these in the United States, are in New York. What are they?
A: Payphones
November 16, 2021
Q: They are on opposite coasts, but surprisingly Oregon and New Hampshire have this in common. What is it?
A: No state sales tax
November 15, 2021
Q: 80% of pet owners feel guilty about THIS. What is it?
A: Lying to their pet
November 12, 2021
Question: This has happened 600 times in the last 60 years. What is it?
Answer: We’ve put a person in space
November 11, 2021
Q: It might be hard to believe but 16% of men say they’ve argued about THIS with their significant other this month. What is it?
A: Facial hair
November 10, 2021
Q: New Mexico ranks #1 in the U.S. for THIS. What is THIS?
A: Being the least charitable state
November 9, 2021
Q: This happens on Thanksgiving day than any other day of the year. What is it?
A: Running races
November 8, 2021
Q: 5% of people who have one of these, never use it.
A: A dishwasher
November 5, 2021
Q: This was created in the late 1800’s to act as a hangover cure. What is it?
A: Brunch
November 4, 2021
Q: About 5% of people do THIS with their pet every week. What is it?
A: Bathe with them
November 3, 2021
Q: This happens to the average US adult 300 times a year. What is it?
A: They wake up in a bad mood (Uber Facts)
November 2, 2021
Q: A third of us will do THIS over the holidays. What is THIS?
A: Spend time with people we do not like
November 1, 2021
Q: 25% of people said this is true about their lives. What is THIS?
A: Their lives would make a good reality show
October 29, 2021
Q: 7% of people say they do THIS, at least, three times a day. What is it?
A: Hit the snooze button
October 27, 2021
Q: 58% of Americans have THIS in common when traveling. What is it?
A: They take toiletries from hotels
October 26, 2021
Q: The average age to do THIS is 13. What is it?
A: To stop trick-or-treating
October 25, 2021
Q: At any given moment, there are 9700 of these in the world. What are they?
A: Planes in the air carrying people
October 22, 2021
Q: There are only 12 different kinds of these in the world. What are they?
A: Culinary nuts
October 21, 2021
Q: The average distance we would travel for THIS is 4.3 miles.
A: To take the kids to a better “candy neighborhood” on Halloween
October 20, 2021
Q: Surprisingly, you can still do THIS in two states. What is it?
A: Text and drive
October 19, 2021
Q: Only one out of three people say they’re good at THIS. What is THIS?
A: Carving a pumpkin
October 18, 2021
Q:More people go to the hospital due to injuries from this sport than any other. What sport?
A: Horseback riding
October 15, 2021
Q: Statistically, THIS causes more men than women to gain weight. What is it?
A: Football season
October 14, 2021
Q: This is true for more than 65% of people working from home. What is it?
A: They don’t recognize their co-workers
October 13, 2021
Q: Google searches for THIS are up more than 800% this month. What is it?
A: Haunted houses near me
October 12, 2021
Q: 16% of us say we can do this, but not very well. What is it?
A: Perform a magic trick
October 11, 2021
Q: The smallest one of these in America is only 2 feet across. What is it?
A: A park
October 8, 2021
Q: 63% of people say this happens to them every day. What is it?
A: They forget what day it is
October 7, 2021
Q: 23%of Americans say they do THIS every Halloween. What is it?
A: Pretend they aren’t home
October 6, 2021
Q: This was invented in 1958 and is probably in your pantry right now. What is it?
A: Ramen noodles
October 5, 2021
Q: 10% of people don’t know THIS about their own family. What is THIS?
A: They don’t know what their grandparents did for a living.
October 4, 2021
Q: The last time this happened in Major League Baseball was in 1989. What is it?
A: A left-handed catcher played in a major league game
October 1, 2021
Q: Most people consider this to be a priority but they don’t do it. What is it?
A: Eating breakfast
September 30, 2021
Q: Surprisingly, the 1st one of these appeared in 1970. What is it?
A: A two-liter bottle of soda
September 29, 2021
Q: 80% of us have done this in the past year.
A: Done a favor for a neighbor
September 28, 2021
Q: The Sony Corporation sells more of THIS than anything else. What is THIS?
A: Insurance
September 27, 2021
Q: More than half of us say we’re doing THIS more now than before the pandemic. What is it?
A: Texting
September 24, 2021
Q: More than 40% of Americans say they are currently doing THIS. What is THIS?
A: Working their dream job
September 23, 2021
Q: It’s illegal to make, sell or have this in your possession in Alabama. What is it?
A: Confetti
September 22, 2021
Q: In the past six months, over half of us have had a dream about THIS. What is THIS?
A: What they’re going to eat the next day.
September 21, 2021
Q: Surprisingly, this was invented before the telephone. What is it?
A: The fax machine
September 20, 2021
Q: Two-thirds of us say we do THIS to try to fit in. What is it?
A: Laugh at jokes you don’t understand
September 17, 2021
Q: There are more than 30 different kinds of these in the US. What are they?
A: Flavors of Pringles potato chips (34 different flavors)
September 16, 2021
Q: 7% of all Americans under the age of 65 have THIS in common. What is it?
A: Owns or used to own a copy of Pink Floyd’s “Dark Side of the Moon”.
September 15, 2021
Q: If you’re average, it would take you 3 1/2 hours to do THIS. What is THIS?
A: Recite the longest word in the English language. It’s the chemical name of a protein called Titin.
September 14, 2021
Q: The first time this happened in Hollywood was in 1994. What was it?
A: A movie had an official website. (Stargate)
September 8, 2021
Q: If you’re average, you spend 49 minutes a week doing THIS. What is THIS?
A: Looking for something to watch on TV (shows and movies)
September 7, 2021
Q: Illinois, Indiana, North Carolina and West Virginia all have this in common. What is it?
A: The state bird is the Cardinal
September 3, 2021
Q: Nancy can do this. John can do this. But more than half of all Americans say they cannot. What is it?
A: 10 push-ups
September 2, 2021
Q: Over half of us do THIS when we go to the grocery store. What is it?
A: Go down every aisle
September 1, 2021
Q: A new survey found that while women like this trait in men …. men do not like it in women. What is it?
A: Mumbling
August 31, 2021
Q: In a survey, more than half of the people polled says doing THIS makes them more creative. What is THIS?
A: Trying something new
August 30, 2021
Q: 2% of Americans say they do THIS every day. What is it?
A: Go to the beach
August 27, 2021
Q: The average lifespan of one of these is about 23 years. What is it?
A: The $100 bill
August 26, 2021
Q: The largest one of these weighed 343 lbs. What is it?
A: A dog
August 25, 2021
Q: More than 50% of us say we feel more comfortable at a hotel if it has THIS. What is THIS?
A: Clean, well-maintained carpets
August 24, 2021
Q: 28% of people admit they are uncomfortable doing THIS. What is THIS?
A: Making a decision
August 23, 2021
Q: Most of us would consider this to be rude, but 16% of us do it anyway. What is it?
A: Watch something on their phone during a wedding
August 20, 2021
Q: If you’re average, you have only 13 of these. What are they?
A: Pain-free days per year
August 19, 2021
Q: 30% of us say it’s never okay to do THIS. What is THIS?
A: Save a spot in line for a friend
August 17, 2021
“Jeopardy-style” QI today.
Q: The answer is : Butterflies. What is the question?
A: What is the top tattoo design on Google?
August 16, 2021
Q: There are 82 of these for every person on earth. What are they?
A: Legos
August 13, 2021
Q: About 10% of us have done this, at least, once in our lifetime. What is it?
A: Worked at a convenience store
August 12, 2021
Q: About 15% of people say they have missed work because of THIS. What is THIS?
A: A pimple
August 11, 2021
Q: Almost 10% of men say they never do THIS. What is THIS?
A: Do their own laundry
August 10, 2021
Q: It’s hard to believe, but over half of us say we never do this during the summer. What is it?
A: Wear sunscreen
August 9, 2021
Q: The 1st time this happened was 100 years ago this week. What is it?
A: Magicians sawing people in half. The first time that trick was performed was in London in 1921.
August 6, 2021
Q: The largest one of these in the world is 175 lbs. What is it?
A: Oreo
August 5, 2021
Q: 35% of parents get super stressed when their kids do THIS. What is this?
A: Ask “What’s for dinner?”
August 4, 2021
Q: The first one of these was created, by accident, in 1938. What is it?
A: Chocolate chip cookie
August 3, 2021
Q: It’s embarrassing, but 40% of us admit to doing this on social media. What is it?
A: Post pictures of food they didn’t actually eat
August 2, 2021
Q: In a poll of 30,000 Americans, nearly 70% said they like doing this year round. What is it?
A: Eating ice-cream
July 30, 2021
Q: Restaurants did not have these until 1971. What are they?
A: Frozen margarita machines
July 29, 2021
Q: If you are average, you have six of these right now. What are they?
A: Unread emails in your personal inbox
July 28, 2021
Q: This just happened .. for the first time in 50 years. What is it?
A: Campbell’s changed its tomato soup labels
July 27, 2021
Q: 2% of us say we use one of these but we never wash it. What is it?
A: Pillowcase
July 26, 2021
Q: 10% of us legitimately hate THIS about summer. What is THIS?
A: The month of August (Possibly because it’s National Back to School Month)
July 23, 2021
Q: About 5% of us have THIS in common. What is THIS?
A: We have a third nipple (Approximately one out of every 18 people has a third nipple. That seems like a lot, but some of them are small . . . and just look like freckles or moles.)
July 22, 2021
Q: 72% of us worry about THIS while shopping. What is THIS?
A: That people will judge their purchases
July 16, 2021
Q: 27% of people say they would give up social media for a year if they could get this. What is this?
A: An extra two weeks of vacation
July 15, 2021
Q: These are made all over the US but mostly in Pennsylvania. What are they?
A: Pretzels
July 14, 2021
Q: One in five people consider THIS to be rude. What is it?
A: Hanging up on a scammer
July 13, 2021
Q: If you’re average, you are going to do THIS almost 40 times this summer. What is it?
A: Eat a scoop of ice cream
July 12, 2021
Q: About 25% of couples think this is an outdated tradition. What is it?
A: That a bride should wear white
July 9, 2021
Q: The average person has 2 of these. What are they?
A: Secrets they keep from family and friends
July 8, 2021
Q: People living west of the Mississippi are more likely to do this than the rest of the country. What is it?
A: Go out of their way to search for cheaper gas
July 7, 2021
Q: More than 30% of us have done THIS in the kitchen. What is it?
A: Dropped food on the ground and then used it in a meal anyway
July 6, 2021
Q: If you’re average, you do THIS over 50 times a week. What is it?
A: Say “thank you.”
July 2, 2021
Q: Men like THIS twice as much as women. What is THIS?
A: Fireworks
July 1, 2021
Q: 9% of people say they are going to do THIS at their 4th of July picnic. What is it?
A: Pair wine with their hotdog
June 29, 2021
Q: 4% of people say this was their biggest life change during the pandemic. What is it?
A: They got a swimming pool
June 28, 2021
Q: If you’re average, you can only do THIS for 3 minutes. What is it?
A: Survive in space without a spacesuit
June 25, 2021
Q: 56% of us like to brag about THIS. What is THIS?
A: A sale you found
June 24, 2021
Q: 1/3 of us say we cannot physically do THIS. What is THIS?
A: Snap our fingers
June 23, 2021
Q: The world record for THIS is 5. What is it?
A: Stacking M&M’s.
June 22, 2021
Q: In the history of the U.S., this has only happened five times. What is it?
A: Only five U.S. presidents have had beards.
June 21, 2021
Q: 17% of Americans say they are “very good” at THIS. What is THIS?
A: Swimming
June 18, 2021
Q: The largest one of these weighed over 3000 lbs. What is it?
A: A scoop of strawberry ice cream
June 17, 2021
Q: 2% of us do THIS seven times a day. What is it?
A: Drink a cup of coffee
June 16, 2021
A: Bulldog. What is the question? (doing Jeopardy-style QI today)
Q: What is the most searched breed of dog in Illinois?
June 15, 2021
Q: This toy from the 1970′ s was originally designed for medical purposes. What is it?
A: Silly string
June 14, 2021
Q: Surprisingly, 25% of people do not own this basic item. What is it?
A: A fire extinguisher
June 11, 2021
Q: Nearly 60% of people admit they felt like doing this in 2020. What is it?
A: Slapping a politician
June 10, 2021
Q: When it comes to romance, 19% of adults say they have definitely done THIS. What is THIS?
A: Made a sex playlist (music)
June 9, 2021
Q: 60% of single people expect THIS to be more popular than ever after the pandemic is completely over. What is THIS?
A: Sexting
June 8, 2021
Q: Surprisingly, 35% of us say we would do THIS at a restaurant. What is it?
A: Finish our meal even if we found a hair in our food
June 7, 2021
Q: 70% of people say they can’t sleep when THIS happens. What is THIS?
A: When there is a spider/bug in their house
June 4, 2021
Q: Basically, everyone under the age of 30 does THIS. What is it?
A: Uses their phone while on the toilet
June 3, 2021
Q: Men are more likely than women to do this in the workplace. What is it?
A: Have a crush on a co-worker
June 2, 2021
Q: The average person only has 7 of these. What are they?
A: People they can trust
June 1, 2021
Q: The average person finally does this at the age of 46. What is it?
A: Stops worrying what other people think of them.
May 28, 2021
Q: On average, THIS costs American families $139 million a year. What is it?
A: Stuff we lose on family vacations
May 27, 2021
Q: Almost 60% of people say when they do this, they prefer to do it alone. What is it?
A: Eat ice cream
May 26, 2021
Q: 20% of people find this to be relaxing. What is it?
A: The sound of cicadas
May 25, 2021
Q: Sales of this item have dramatically increased since the pandemic started winding down. What is it?
A: Deodorant
May 24, 2021
Q: In a recent survey, parents said their kids can only do this for a half hour before they get bored. What is it?
A: Go outside and play
May 20, 2021
Q: This happens to you when you turn 26. What is it?
A: You start to appreciate the “finer things” in life.
May 19, 2021
Q: Between March and June, Americans will throw out 37 million of these. What are they?
A: Mismatched Tupperware pieces
May 18, 2021
Q: 10% of us say THIS makes us feel old. What is it?
A: When someone calls your clothing “vintage”
May 17, 2021
Q: Surprisingly, almost 50% of Americans actually believe THIS. What is THIS?
A: They can claim a pet as a dependent when filing taxes
May 5, 2021
Q: There are more of these in Japan than anywhere else. What are they?
A: 7-Elevens
May 13, 2021
Q: In a survey, 3% of people said it takes them over a month to do THIS. What is THIS?
A: Respond to an email that is not urgent
May 12, 2021
Q: Only 3 out of 10 people can physically do THIS. What is THIS?
A: Flare their nostrils
May 11, 2021
Q: It’s sad, but more than 50% of us say we’ve not done this in a year. What is it?
A: Made a new friend
May 10, 2021
Q: In the 1800’s, some doctors recommended doing THIS to prevent illness. What is it?
A: Growing a beard
May 7, 2021
Q: The average cost of one of these is expected to be $1 million. What is it?
A: Wine that has been aged on the International Space Station
May 6, 2021
Q: Japan has the oldest one of these. What is it?
A: Hotel
May 5, 2021
Q: A third of us say THIS has made us physically ill. What is THIS?
A: The smell of an aromatherapy candle
May 4, 2021
Q: 25% of people say they do THIS four times a week. What is it?
A: Skip breakfast
May 3, 2021
Q: What do the colors orange, beige and green have in common?
A: Car colors that hold their value the best over three years
April 30, 2021
Q: About 60% of Americans say they would like to do this someday. What is this?
A: Write their memoir
April 29, 2021
Q: There are 18 of these in California. What are they?
A: Fictional characters with stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
April 28, 2021
Q: The United States ranks #1 in THIS in both North and South America. What is it?
A: The US has the highest drinking age in North or South America. The next closest is Paraguay, at 20.
April 27, 2021
A: The answer is 13. (What is the question?)
Q: How many minutes do I have until my friends consider me to be late?
April 26, 2021
Q: This has happened, at least, 20 times in the US. What is it?
A: Parents named their child ESPN.
April 23, 2021
Q: We don’t agree on everything but 95% of Americans say they LOVE doing this.
A: Going on picnics
April 22, 2021
Q: Nearly 15% of women say this needs to be replaced in their home, but they’re procrastinating doing it.
A: Replacing the toilet seat
April 21, 2021
Q: Six out of ten adults do this everyday. What is it?
A: Listen to the radio
April 20, 2021
Q: Only about 25% of us have visited this historic location. What is it?
A: The National Mall
April 16, 2021
Q: Almost 60% of us say we did this in school, but haven’t done it since. What is it?
A: Written a poem
April 15, 2021
Q: If you’re average, you do THIS 4,000 times in your lifetime. What is it?
A: Pop a pimple
April 14, 2021
Q: Nearly 60% of Americans cannot stand to eat this. What is it?
A: Egg salad sandwich
April 13, 2021
Q: The average one of these weighs over a million pounds. What is it?
A: A cloud
April 12, 2021
Q: Young people are 4x’s more likely to do this compared to older people. What is it?
A: Always keep their phone on mute
April 9, 2021
Q: The average person does this 10X’s a month. What is it?
A: Forgets a password
April 8, 2021
(We did a “Jeopardy”- style QI today)
Answer: The answer is 13
Question: How many times did Prince Charles and Princess Diana see each other in person before their wedding in 1981?
April 7, 2021
Q: On average, you’ll hold on to one of these for 16 years. What is it?
A: A handmade gift/art from kids
April 6, 2021
Q: Nearly 65% of people said, even if given the opportunity, they would never do THIS. What is THIS?
A: Read their partner’s secret diary
April 5, 2021
Q: 25% of people over the age of 65 claim they have never done this. What is it?
A: Used the internet
April 2, 2021
Q: Only 38% of people surveyed say they are capable of doing THIS. What is THIS?
A: Throw a strike from a pitcher’s mound
April 1, 2021
Q: Nearly 50% of people find this to be completely annoying. What is it?
A: April Fool’s jokes
March 31, 2021
Q: One in four people say they want a do-over on THIS because of 2020. What is it?
A: Their birthday
March 25, 2021
Q: This is a popular souvenir for European tourists who visit the US.
A: A red Solo cup
March 24, 2021
Q: More than 90% of us have one of these at work. What is it?
A: An annoying co-worker
March 23, 2021
Q: The average American does THIS about five times a week. What is it?
A: Research something online they didn’t mean to research
March 18, 2021
Q: There are 76 of these in the U.S. What are they?
A: Colleges with the team nickname of “Eagles.”
March 17, 2021
Q: One in six people say they forget to do THIS on a daily basis. What is THIS?
A: Drink water
March 16, 2021
Q: There was a nearly 600% increase in THIS last year. What is THIS?
A: People taking online courses
March 15, 2021
Q: There are more of these in the world right now than ever before. What are they?
A: Twins
March 12, 2021
Q: Two-thirds of people say they have not done THIS since them were a teenager. What is it?
A: Gotten a really great, uninterrupted night of sleep
March 11, 2021
Q: If people decide to travel this year, nearly 20% of them say they’re going to do THIS. What is THIS?
A: Buy a souvenir for their pet
March 10, 2021
Q: The average person does this at work five times a week. What is it?
A: Lies to their boss
March 9, 2021
Q: 58% of all websites have this in common. What is it?
A: They are written in English.
March 8, 2021
Q: This has happened six times in history. What is it?
A: Six U.S. flags have been planted on the moon
March 5, 2021
Q: One in five people say THIS about their family. What is THIS?
A: One person causes most of the mess
March 4, 2021
Q: We’re not proud of it, but nearly 60% of us admit to having done this at least once. What is it?
A: Eating an entire bag of chips in one sitting
March 3, 2021
Q: Surprisingly, the world record for doing THIS is over 60 minutes. What is THIS?
A: Balancing a guitar on your chin
March 2, 2021
Q: 80% of people under the age of 30 say they have tried to do this but it’s impossible.
A: Drive without music
March 1, 2021
Q: The record for THIS is 124 feet. What is it?
A: The farthest a peanut has been thrown (on record).
February 26, 2021
Q: The average length of THIS is 10 feet. What is it?
A: The white dash lane lines on the interstate
February 25, 2021
Q: This is true for 14% of men and 17% of women. What is it?
A: They think they look better wearing a mask (than not wearing a mask)
February 24, 2021
Q: Most people will put up with this for 9 days. What is it?
A: Drive around with their check engine light on
February 23, 2021
Q: It’s probably not considered to be safe, but 25% of people have done THIS. What is THIS?
A: Shared a mask with someone else
February 22, 2021
Q: The record for THIS is over 10,000 gallons. What is it?
A: The world’s largest margarita
February 18, 2021
Q: This has happened to 48% of us during the winter. What is it?
A: We’ve gotten our car stuck in the snow
February 17, 2021
Q: About 30% of Americans say THIS is their favorite thing about winter. What is THIS?
A: Warm fuzzy socks
February 16, 2021
Q: 40% of families say they argue about THIS more than anything else right now. What is it?
A: Internet usage at home
February 15, 2021
Q: This has increased about 70% from a year ago. What is it?
A: People NOT answering calls from an unknown numbers.
February 12, 2021
Q: Three out of ten people say THIS has been a major disappointment in their lives.
A: Something they got for Valentine’s Day
February 11, 2021
Q: As we learned yesterday, the average person hasn’t cleaned out their fridge in five months. What else haven’t you done?
A: Gone on a date
February 10, 2021
Q: If you’re average, you haven’t done THIS in 5 months. What is it?
A: Cleaned out your fridge
February 9, 2021
Q: It’s a little unusual but it is illegal in France to do THIS. What is it?
A: Name a pig “Napoleon.”
February 8, 2021
Q: “Jeopardy-Style” QUESTION IMPOSSIBLE … The answer is 8,127. What is the question?
A: The number of “Jeopardy” episodes hosted by Alex Trebek.
February 5, 2021
Q: One of these was first used in 1926. What is it?
A: The first commercial jingle was in a Wheaties radio ad in 1926.
February 4, 2021
Q: About 65% of people surveyed say they have more of these now than ever before. What are they?
A: Leftovers
February 2, 2021
Q: The average weight of THIS is 13.5 pounds. What is it?
A: A groundhog
February 1, 2021
Q: Nearly 25% of people say they’ll do THIS alone for the 1st time this year. What is THIS?
A: Watch the Super Bowl
January 29, 2021
Q: If you have Millennials living in the house, you have, on average, five of these.
A: Five dirty dishes in the sink
January 28, 2021
Q: The average person would pay about $1800 for THIS. What is this?
A: For 2020 to be erased from their memory.
January 27, 2021
Q: If you’re average, you did this 27 times last year. What is it?
A: Got drunk
January 26, 2020
Q: In the last 50 years, THIS has only happened 3 times. What is it?
A: Jeopardy ended in a tie
January 22, 2021
Q: This hasn’t happened in professional sports in almost 40 years. What is it?
A: There hasn’t been an NFL game with the final score 7-to-nothing in almost 40 years. The last time was December 4, 1983, when the Patriots beat the Saints 7-0.
January 21, 2021
Q: The record for THIS was set in 1977. What is it?
A: The record for the most flowers sold in a single day was August 17, 1977 . . . the day after Elvis died.
January 20, 2021
Q: Six in ten Americans now consider themselves to be one of these? What is it?
A: A movie buff
January 19, 2021 (we played Jeopardy-style QI today)
Answer: Merry Christmas
Question: What is “the first-ever text message sent on December 3rd, 1992.”
January 18, 2021
Q: This first came on the market in 1904. What is it?
A: T-shirt
January 14, 2021
Q: In both Los Angeles and New York, this has happened for the first time in 10 years. What is it?
A: Traffic congestion went down
January 13, 2021
Q: 19% of women, in a recent survey, said this happened to them, for the first time, in 2020. What is it?
A: They found a gray hair
January 12, 2021
Q: Almost 10% of the people who have tried this have failed. What is it?
A: Dry January
January 11, 2021
Q: The average length of time for THIS in the US is 21 years. What is it?
A: How long a million dollars lasts you in retirement
January 8, 2021
Q: They know they should be doing it more but 13% of people say they only do it once a month.
A: Clean their phone
January 7, 2021
Q: We did this almost 60 million more times in 2020 than we did the year before. What is it?
A: Played a round of golf
December 23, 2020
Q: About 15% of mothers are asking for this for Christmas this year. What is this?
A: Lottery tickets
December 22, 2020
Q: Before you buy this, it’s been touched by about 25 other people. What is it?
A: Greeting card
December 21, 2020
Q: About 35% of people say they currently have one of these in their house. What is it?
A: An Elf on the Shelf
December 15, 2020
Q: The average person says they have changed THIS about themselves in 2020. What is it?
A: They go to bed earlier and get up earlier
December 14, 2020
Q: More of these were made in the mid 1960’s than any other time. What are they?
A: Nickels
December 10, 2020
Q: We’ve used about 50% more of this in 2020 than we did last year. What is it?
A: Scotch tape
December 9, 2020
Q: It’s frowned upon, but nearly 80% of people are doing THIS at work. What is it?
A: Using emojis
December 18, 2020
Q: According to a new poll, 33% of people own one more of these this year then they did in 2019.
A: A pet
December 7, 2020
Q: If you’re an average woman, you’ve done this 6 times. What is it?
A: Changed your hairstyle
December 4, 2020
Q: This happens to 17% of us every Christmas. What is it?
A: We don’t like what people give us
December 3, 2020
Q: According to a survey, this happens to the average person at 9:40 am. What is it?
A: They feel fully awake
December 2, 2020
Q: In the past year, about 10% of us have done THIS while on the clock. What is it?
A: Taken a work call while in the bathroom
December 1, 2020
Q: 60% of us plan to do this during the holiday season this year. What is it?
A: “Out-gift” someone
November 30, 2020
Q: About 15% of people say they have recently stopped doing THIS. What is THIS?
A: Wearing deodorant
November 27, 2020
Q: The day after Thanksgiving has a nickname. What is it?
A: Brown Friday
November 25, 2020
Q: People in the Midwest are more likely to do this on Thanksgiving. What is it?
A: Serve jello
November 24, 2020
Q: The oldest one of these in America is 256 years old. What is it?
A: Newspaper. (The oldest newspaper in the U.S. is the “Hartford Courant”. It’s been published without a break since 1764.)
November 23, 2020
Q: If you’re average, you have not done this in nearly six months. What is it?
A: Seen your extended family (And 60% are worried they won’t get to see their families for the holidays because of the new spike in cases.)
November 20, 2020
Q: This was created 50 years ago this week … and you probably use it every day. What is it?
A: A computer mouse
November 19, 2020
Q: Strangely, in 2020, almost 90% of people describe themselves as THIS.
A: Professionally successful
November 18, 2020
Q: Owning 7 of these in Texas is illegal. What is it?
A: Sex toys
November 17, 2020
Q: It’s a little strange … but if you live in Switzerland, it’s illegal to do THIS. What is THIS?
A: Own only one guinea pig. Guinea pigs get lonely if they’re alone, so the law requires you to own at least two.
November 16, 2020
Q: Many women say this is the #1 reason men will not date them. What is the answer?
A: Their name is Karen
November 13, 2020
Q: 36% of us have THIS in common? What is THIS?
A: We have this in common
November 12, 2020
Q: Amazingly, 10% of parents admit they still do THIS. What is THIS?
A: Read a bedtime story to their teenager
November 11, 2020
Q: On average, you will do THIS about 50 times this year. What is THIS?
A: Buy a small gift for someone
November 9, 2020
Q: According to a new survey, 13% of people under the age of 24 have never done THIS before. What is THIS?
A: Sent something in the mail
November 6, 2020
Q: More people are doing THIS today than they were in 2010. What is THIS?
A: Dieting
November 5, 2020
Q: The top thing we lie about in a social situation is about our job. What is #2 on the list?
A: Travels
November 4, 2020
Q: One out of four people say they miss THIS about going to work. What is THIS?
A: Drinking with co-workers they don’t even like
November 3, 2020
Q: The shortest one of these on record lasted less than 2 minutes. What is it?
A: Presidential inauguration speech
November 2, 2020
Q: 93% of people say they could really do without THIS. What is THIS?
A: Changing of the clocks
October 30, 2020
Q: Sales of THIS are up 250% compared to last year. What is THIS?
A: Tonka Trucks
October 29, 2020
Q: Two out of ten people said they started doing THIS way back in August. What is it?
A: Watching Christmas movies
October 28, 2020
Q: The average child does this more than 1500 times before they turn 18. What is it?
A: Begs for a pet
October 27, 2020
Q: Doing THIS every day slows your heart rate and lowers your stress level. What is THIS?
A: Eating breakfast in total silence
October 26, 2020
Q: The record for THIS is over 5,000 feet. What is it?
A: The longest a pumpkin has been launched from a cannon.
October 23, 2020
Q: The total for THIS is 290. What is THIS?
A: The record for bouncing a soap bubble on your hands
October 22, 2020
Q: 55% of moms say there is a real possibility this could happen to them during the holidays this year. What is it?
A: They will forget where they hid a present
October 21, 2020
Q: One out of four couples say this phrase is guaranteed to start an argument.
A: “Do you hear yourself?”
October 20, 2020
Q: Sales of this item are up over 200% this year. What is it?
A: Pinball machines
October 16, 2020
Q: They may not know it, but most 50-year old’s have done THIS. What is THIS?
A: Walked more than 40,000 miles
October 15, 2020
Q: The older you are, the more likely you are to do THIS. What is THIS?
A: Unpack your suitcase while staying at a hotel
October 13, 2020
Q: Nearly 20% of people say they would like more of THIS right now. What is it?
A: More time with their pet
October 12, 2020
Q: It happens all the time now, but the first time this happened was in 1939. What is it?
A: It was the first time a president appeared on TV
October 9, 2020
Q: On average, around the world, THIS happens every second.
A: McDonald’s sells 75 hamburgers
October 8, 2020
Q: This is true for one out of four single people during the quarantine. What is it?
A: They had sex with their roommate
October 7, 2020
Q: In a recent survey, 11% of people said they have, at least, two of these. What are they?
A: Enemies
October 6, 2020
Q: It could be awkward, but 30% of people say they plan to do THIS over the holidays. What is it?
A: Take their guest’s temperatures when they visit over the holidays
October 5, 2020
Q: It takes you 30 seconds longer to do THIS now, compared to last year. What is it?
A: Go through a drive-thru
October 2, 2020
Q: In a recent survey, half of the people said they have experienced THIS recently. What is it?
A: A nightmare about the coronavirus
October 1, 2020
Q: The first time this happened in professional sports was in the late 1970’s. What is it?
A: The NBA started using the three-point line
September 30, 2020
Q: If your child is average, he/she does this six times a day. What is it?
A: Says they are bored
September 29, 2020
Q: In a survey, about a quarter of people say it’s never okay to do THIS at work. What is it?
A: Talk politics
September 28, 2020
Q: The majority of dog owners have done THIS, at least, once. What is it?
A: Canceled plans to stay home and hang with their dog
September 25, 2020
Q: 14% of Americans don’t think you should ever eat this on an airplane. What is it?
A: A lollipop
September 24, 2020
Q: On average, this happens to you twice a day. What is it?
A: You’re caught on doorbell and security cameras in your own neighborhood.
September 22, 2020
Q: Surprisingly, more people are planning to do THIS this year, compared to last. What is it?
A: Decorate their homes for Halloween
September 21, 2020
Q: Surprisingly, only 11% of Americans have experienced THIS. What is THIS?
A: Got a speeding ticket
September 18, 2020
Q:What do pop-tarts and beer have in common?
A: They are the two top selling items at Walmart before a hurricane
September 17, 2020
Q: If you’re doing this, you’re increasing your chances of getting into a car accident. What is it?
A: Hanging your mask from the rear view mirror
September 16, 2020
Q: The average time it takes to do THIS is three hours and five minutes. What is THIS?
A: To make a major purchase online
September 15, 2020
Q: Surprisingly, 14% of people say they would break up with someone because of THIS. What is THIS?
A: They didn’t like the same foods as them
September 14, 2020
Q: This can help lower your blood pressure. What is it?
A: Having thick thighs
September 11, 2020
Q: The states Alaska, Maine and New Mexico have THIS in common. What is it?
A: They’re the states where people are most likely to drink at work.
September 10, 2020
Q: 14% of Americans say they are planning to do THIS. What is THIS?
A: Gamble on the NFL this year
September 9, 2020
Q: About 2% of people said THIS about 2020. What is it?
A: It was their best summer ever
September 8, 2020
Q: Researchers say THIS makes you less productive. What is it?
A: Being in love
September 3, 2020
Q: Surprisingly, a new survey found that 60% of kids have never experienced THIS. What is THIS?
A: Cooked marshmallows over a fire
September 2, 2020
Q: Apparently, social distancing has contributed to a 50% increase in THIS. What is THIS?
A: UFO spotting
September 1, 2020
Q: Only one American president has had one of these. What is it?
A: A patent
August 31, 2020
Q: 90% of people who experience THIS are women. What is THIS?
A: Emetophobia, which is an extreme fear of throwing up
August 28, 2020
Q: You’ll have 25% more sex if you do THIS. What is THIS?
A: Make your bed
August 27, 2020
Q: Nearly 30% of people say they don’t do THIS anymore. What is it?
A: Commute to work
August 26, 2020
Q: The most expensive one of these costs about $350. What is it?
A: Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich
August 25, 2020
Q: About 40% of people who don’t have one of these .. say they would now consider getting one. What is it?
A: Bidet
August 21, 2020
Q: On average, we’ve done this 28 times in the past 5 ½ months. What is it?
A: Made the same meal
August 20, 2020
Q: 13% of people never change this about their routine. What is it?
A: They never change their radio station
August 19, 2020
Q: Last year, 2% of parents did this. This year, 70% of parents are doing it. What is it?
A: Buy PPE (like hand sanitizers, wipes, and masks)
August 18, 2020
Q: This happens almost 6,000 times a year. What is it?
A: Mail carriers are attacked by dogs
August 13, 2020
Q: The answer is 1843. What is the question? (we’re playing Jeopardy-style QI today)
A: When was the 1st Christmas card published and sold?
August 12, 2020
Q: More than 33% of women have done this at home this year. What is it?
A: Botched a beauty treatment
August 11, 2020
Q: The average person does THIS for over six months out of the year. What is it?
A: Diet
August 10, 2020
Q: Nearly 60% of people say they started doing THIS more in 2020. What is it?
A: Brushing their teeth
August 7, 2020
Q: If you do this …. your brain will stay sharper. What is it?
A: Go into the office every day. If you have An office job
August 6, 2020
Q: You are more likely to start a fire if you do THIS. What is THIS?
A: Drink tequila
August 5, 2020
Q: One out of four women say this makes them feel younger. What is THIS?
A: Blonde hair
August 4, 2020
Q: Surprisingly, these have only been sold in grocery stores since the 1990’s. What are they?
A: Seedless Watermelons
August 3, 2020
Q: On average, it takes men 2 1/2 years to do THIS. What is THIS?
A: Admit they’re balding
July 31, 2020
Q: If you want to increase the amount of sleep you get .. do THIS. What is THIS?
A: Make more money
July 30, 2020
Q: Like toilet paper and hand-sanitizer … this product has also sold out, as a result of the pandemic. What is the product?
A: Slip N Slide
July 29, 2020
Q: Only about a quarter of people plan to do THIS with their family this year. What is it?
A: Go trick-or-treating
July 28, 2020
Q: Four out of ten people have secretly done THIS at work. What is it?
A: Adjust the thermostat
July 27, 2020
Q: Over half of us are now taking THIS into the bedroom. What is it?
A: Netflix
July 24, 2020
Q: A new survey found that our favorite summer activity as kids was hanging out with friends. What’s #2 on the list?
A: Bonfires
July 23, 2020
Q: The 1st one of these appeared in 1963. What is it?
A: A ZIP code
July 22, 2020
Q: Nearly 20% of pet owners have one of these. What is it?
A: A tattoo of their pet
July 21, 2020
Q: The record for THIS is 11 feet. What is it?
A: Waterskiing on stilts. (Stilts were 11 feet)
July 20, 2020
Q: In the NFL, in the last three decades, this has only happened five times. What is it?
A: There have only been five times since 1994 where an NFL team punted on 3rd down and Bill Belichick of the New England Patriots was the coach in all five cases.
July 17, 2020
Q: 73% of parents have experienced THIS. What is THIS?
A: Baby Name Remorse (they thought of a better name after it was too late)
July 16, 2020
Q: In the past 5 months, there has been a 30% increase in this. What is this?
A: Requests for tattoo removal
July 15, 2020
Q: Men who post THIS on online dating sites get fewer matches. What is THIS?
A: Shirtless selfies
July 14, 2020
Q: The record for THIS is eight hours and seventeen minutes. What is it?
A: Indoor triathlon
July 2, 2020
Q: About 16% of Americans have recently done this in their driveway. What is it?
A: Sat in their car, without going anywhere, just to get away from everyone inside the house.
July 1, 2020
Q: More than 50% of Americans are confident they can do THIS very well. What is THIS?
A: Cook a steak
June 30, 2020
Q: This is more likely to happen to you if you’re stressed out. What is it?
A: Get bitten by mosquitoes
June 25, 2020
Q: When women turn 40, they’re more likely to do THIS. What is THIS?
A: Speed while driving
June 24, 2020
Q: New York, Chicago and Las Vegas have seen a large increase of THIS in the past month. What is it?
A: Noise complaints (mainly because of fireworks)
June 23, 2020
Q: If you get caught with this .. you could get 10 years in prison. What is it?
A: Any debris from the Challenger explosion
June 22, 2020
Q: Half of the people in your office think you do this too much. What is it?
A: Wear too much cologne or perfume
June 19, 2020
Q: If you’re average you have 200 of these right now. What is it?
A: Types of fungi on your feet.
June 18, 2020
Q: Three out of ten people say they sometimes do THIS while playing Monopoly. What is it?
A: Quit .. to avoid losing.
June 17, 2020
Q: Three out of ten people have done THIS in their car. What is it?
A: Flipped someone off
June 16, 2020
Q: About 13% of your co-workers have THIS in common. What is it?
A: They have, at one point, worked at McDonald’s.
June 15, 2020
Q: This begins to happen to men at the age of 37. What is it?
A: They begin to start acting like their father
June 12, 2020
Q: If you do this, you’re 40% more likely to be content with your life. What is THIS?
A: Do something spontaneous
June 11, 2020
Q: The largest one of these is in Pennsylvania. What is it?
A: A Mouth (A 16-year-old from Pennsylvania just set the Guinness World Record for the BIGGEST OPEN MOUTH. His mouth is 3.75 inches from top to bottom when he opens it all the way.)
June 10, 2020
Q: Nearly 40% of us have done THIS for the first time in the past two months. What is it?
A: Created a “self-isolation playlist”
June 9, 2020
Q: Oddly, we see more of these in September than we do in June. What are they?
A: Summer days (Summer starts June 20th and ends September 22nd. So September has 21 summer days and June only has 11)
June 8, 2020
Q: This is true for a quarter of pet owners. What is the answer?
A: They’ve lied to their boss about a sick pet (usually to get out of work).
June 5, 2020
Q: They’re in almost every home now, but they first appeared in 1865. What are they?
A: Ceiling fans
June 4, 2020
Q: 60% of people say they’ve had an argument with their significant other over this in the past month. What is this?
A: Screen time. What to watch on TV.
June 3, 2020
Q: The amount of THIS is almost $350. What is it?
A: The world’s largest overdue library fine.
June 2, 2020
Q: Americans say they’re doing this more now than they were before the pandemic began. What is it?
A: Talking about, making and eating TUNA MELTS.
June 1, 2020
Q: From Peoria, you have to travel 50 miles to get HERE. Where is HERE?
A: Space
May 29, 2020
Q: The average speed of this was 73 miles per hour. What is it?
A: The winner of the first Indianapolis 500 in 1911 had an average speed of just under 75 miles per hour.
May 28, 2020
Q: This happened, for the first time, 47 years ago. What is it?
A: The first ever cell phone call was made
May 27, 2020
Q: 38% of businesses have rejected a job candidate because of THIS. What is THIS?
A: Poor grammar on social media
May 26, 2020
Q: There are 137 of these in the US. What are they?
A: Hawaiian Islands
May 22, 2020
Q: This may not happen this year, but the first time it did was in 1874.
A: The first college football game.
May 21, 2020
Q: 33% of us have purchased one of these since the pandemic began. What is it?
A: A new subscription service
May 20, 2020
Q: This is true for 15% of drivers right now. What is it?
A: They’re driving around with a cracked windshield.
May 19, 2020
Q: It’s very popular now but the first one started in 1962. What is it?
A: Fantasy football league
May 18, 2020
Q: It’s strange, but 40% of people surveyed say they’ve gotten mad at someone for THIS. What is it?
A: For something they did to them in a DREAM?
May 15, 2020
Q: Since the pandemic began, 40% of people say they’re consuming more of THIS. What is THIS?
A: Music
May 14, 2020
Q: People in North Dakota do this more than anyone in any other state. What is it?
A: Napping while they’re working from home
May 13, 2020
Q: If you are average, you do this almost 280 times a year. What is it?
A: Eat eggs
May 12, 2020
Q: People in the early 1800’s actually used THIS as medicine. What is it?
A: Ketchup
May 11, 2020
Q: This food-related word was first used over 1000 years ago. What is it?
A: Pizza
May 8, 2020
Q: 15% of people say they’re doing this less now than they have ever before. What is it?
A: Brushing their teeth.
May 7, 2020
Q: We used to do this all of the time .. now we only do it about 35% of the time. What is it?
A: Pay with cash
May 6, 2020
Q: This first appeared in New York City 125 years ago. What is it?
A: An escalator
May 5, 2020
Q: The Guinness World Record for this is 1 ½ feet. What is it?
A: The longest jump by a guinea pig.
May 4, 2020
Q: This has increased by more than 100% in the past six weeks. What is it?
A: Google searches for “How to cut a mullet.”
May 1, 2020
Q: It might seem strange to some, but about 40% of us do THIS every day. What is it?
A: Talk to ourselves out loud
April 30, 2020
Q: If you’re average, THIS happens 57 times a year at your house. What is it?
A: An argument at the dinner table
April 28, 2020
Q: Surprisingly, this did not become popular in the US until 1945. What is it?
A: Brushing your teeth
April 27, 2020
Q: Nearly 10% of us have tried THIS during the pandemic. What is THIS?
A: Meditation
April 24, 2020
Q: This is TRUE, right now, for one in four Americans. What is it?
A: They plan to take a celebratory trip once the pandemic is over
April 23, 2020
Q: According to doctors, most people do NOT do this correctly. What is it?
A: Take off rubber gloves
April 21, 2020
Q: 25% of us have done THIS in the past month. What is it?
A: Worked from our car
April 20, 2020
Q: The 1st one of these appeared in 1978. What is it?
A: The 1st Cheech and Chong movie.
April 16, 2020
(We played “Jeopardy-Style today)
Q: The answer is 63. What is the question?
A: The question was “How many planet earths can fit in Uranus?”
April 15, 2020
Q: Almost 40% of us use, at least, six of these a week. What are they?
A: Streaming services
April 14, 2020
Q: According to a new survey, men say they are much more likely to do this than women. What is it?
A: Resume shaking hands after the pandemic
April 13, 2020
Q: The total length of this was 15 minutes. What is it?
A: NASA’s shortest space flight was in May 5, 1961
April 10, 2020
Q: The first one of these appeared in the early 70’s. What is it?
A: An e-book
April 7, 2020
Q: On average, it’s going to take less than ten minutes for this to happen. What is it?
A: For music to make you feel happy
April 6, 2020
Q: The official world record for this is 14. What is it?
A: Eating Twinkies in a minute
April 3, 2020
Q: Sales of this item have nearly doubled since people started working at home during this pandemic. What is it?
A: Wireless bras
April 2, 2020
Q: Only 29 states have one of these. What is it?
A: An official state dance
April 1, 2020
Q: About 40% of us say we really don’t need THIS. What is THIS?
A: April Fool’s Day pranks
March 31, 2020
Q: There are only four of these in the United States. What are they?
A: Four state capitals named after presidents: Jackson, Mississippi .. Lincoln, Nebraska .. Jefferson City, Missouri .. Madison, Wisconsin.
March 30, 2020
Q: This happens about 75 times a year for the average household. What is it?
A: You lose a remote control
March 27, 2020
Q: The longest one of these is in New Jersey. What is it?
A: Traffic light. It stays red for five minutes and 33 seconds.
March 26, 2020
Q: What was the first prize Bob Barker ever announced on “The Price Is Right” when it started in 1972?
A: A fur coat
March 25, 2020
Q: Canadians do this more than anybody else in the world.
A: Consume Kraft Macaroni & Cheese.
March 24, 2020
Q: The total length of THIS is 2 1/2 miles. What is it?
A: The largest living thing. It’s a mushroom in Oregon.
March 23, 2020
Q: Three out of ten people say THIS has ruined their day, at least once. What is THIS?
A: They didn’t realize they had food stuck in their teeth.
March 20, 2020
Q: Four of these exist, but we only use one. What are they?
A: Verses to the “Star-Spangled Banner.”
March 19, 2020
Q: The state of California has 16 of these. What are they?
A: There are 16 stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame where people are only identified by one name, including Houdini, Liberace, Pink, Roseanne, Shakira, Slash, Sting, and Usher.
March 18, 2020
Q: According to a new survey, the average person says it takes them about 20 minutes to do this. What is it?
A: Take and edit a selfie that they’ll post to social media
March 16, 2020
Q: The record for THIS is 11. What is THIS?
A: The record for the number of Oscars for one movie is 11. Three movies have done it: “Ben-Hur” . . . “Titanic” . . . and “The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King”.
March 13, 2020
Q: It’s illegal to do THIS in Ohio. What is it?
A: Use Santa Claus in ads for alcohol
March 12, 2020
Q: Girls are about 5% more likely to be THIS than boys.
A: The favorite child
March 11, 2020
Q: 60% of Millennials say this is happening to them right now. What is it?
A: They are going through a “quarter-life” crisis.
March 10, 2020
Q: In a recent poll, this is how 35% of people described their job. What is the answer?
A: “Soul-crushing”
March 9, 2020
Q: When they were growing up .. 30% of Gen Xer’s (people born in the 60’s and 70’s) had one of these. What is it?
A: A perm
March 6, 2020
Q: It seems a little strange but 2% of people have done THIS with their pet. What is it?
A: They’ve read a book to their pet
March 5, 2020
Q: The average time for this to occur is 3 ½ days. What is it?
A: For your feet to stop hurting after wearing uncomfortable shoes.
March 4, 2020
Q: Men are more likely to do THIS than women in the workplace.
A: Lie on their resume
March 3, 2020
Q: Millions of people between the ages of 25-34 say they always call someone to help them with this. What is THIS?
A: Hang a picture
March 2, 2020
Q: On average, it takes 3 minutes for this to happen. What is it?
A: For people to get bored with a conversation and “check out.”
February 28, 2020
Q: It’s going to happen this year. The last time it happened was in 2016. What is it?
A: A Leap Second is added (yes, that’s a thing)
February 27, 2020
Q: In a survey, 25% of people admitted they do THIS, even though it’s rude. What is it?
A: They make plans with no intention of actually keeping them
February 26, 2020
Q: Nearly 15% of people have gotten in huge trouble at work because of THIS. What is THIS?
A: Playing Fantasy Sports
February 25, 2020
Q: This is true for only one US President in history. What is it?
A: George Washington was the only presidential nominee who won 100% of the vote
February 24, 2020
Q: A survey found that 16% of Americans have one of these, but regret buying it. What is it?
A: A house
February 21, 2020
Q: Hawaii is the only state where this still occurs. What is it?
A: It’s the only state where McDonald’s still serves fried apple pies . . . everywhere else, they’re baked.
February 20, 2020
Q: A recent scientific study proves that this phenomenon actually exists. What is it?
A: Beer goggles
February 19, 2020
Q: 40% of us would like to change THIS about ourselves. What is it?
A: Our voice
February 18, 2020
Q: Only 2% of Americans say they still use one of these. What are they?
A: Clock radio
February 17, 2020
Q: The first time this happened was in 1856. What is it?
A: A Christmas tree was put up in the White House
February 14, 2020
Q: A new survey says this is true for one out of 14 Americans.
A: They have dumped someone on Valentine’s Day
February 13, 2020
Q: The job where men are most likely to still be single at age 40 is bartender. What is #2 on the list?
A: Tile installer
February 12, 2020
Q: Surprisingly, men who do THIS, live longer than those who don’t do it. What is it?
A: Kiss their wife before going to work
February 11, 202o
Q: The first time this happened was in 2010. What is it?
A: The first photo was posted to Instagram
February 10, 2020
Q: This has only happened once in the history of the Academy Awards. What is it?
A: A silent film won Best Picture
February 7, 2020
Q: This year, the price of one of these is $400. What is it.
A: An Oscar trophy this year
February 6, 2020
Q: If you’re average, you have 96 of these.
A: Bad hair days a year
February 5, 2020
Q: One out of ten people ONLY do THIS once a week. What is it?
A: Cook at home
February 4, 2020
Q: This is true for all astronauts on the International Space Station
A: They have to become fluent in Russian and English
February 3, 2020
Q: In a survey, 2% of people say they never do THIS. What is THIS?
A: Compliment someone
January 31, 2020
Q: The first one of these was invented in Mexico.
A: Caesar salad
January 29, 2020
Q: The first one of these used in North America was in Mexico City. What is it?
A: The printing press
January 28, 2020
Q: This is illegal in parts of Mexico. What is it?
A: Shaving and driving
January 27, 2020
Q: There are, at least, 50 varieties of THIS in Mexico. What is it?
A: Corn
January 24, 2020
Q: The average American family spends almost $2000 on THIS every year. What is it?
A: Food we buy and then waste
January 23, 2020
Q: Only 1% of us choose to do THIS when we travel.
A: Choose a middle seat on an airplane
January 22, 2020
Q: According to a survey, more than 70% of men admit they do THIS. What is THIS?
A: Cry during a movie
January 21, 2020
Q: The oldest one of these dates back to 3000 BC
A: Paycheck
January 20, 2020
Q: If you’re average, you’ll spend 2 months of your life doing THIS. What is THIS?
A: Vacuuming
January 17, 2020
Q: Redheads are twice as likely to do THIS compared to people with other hair colors. What is the answer?
A: Avoid going to the dentist
January 16, 2020
Q: If you do this every day, it’ll improve your sex life. What is it?
A: Sleep naked
January 15, 2020
Q: If you’re over 50, this will help you live longer. What is it?
A: Visiting an art museum
January 14, 2020
Q: According to a survey, the average person does this for about 3 hours over the weekend. What is it?
A: Unpaid work
January 13, 2020
Q: According to a survey, more than half of us have NEVER done THIS. What is it?
A: Never deleted a single file from any of their devices
January 10, 2020
Q: Nearly 15% of us say we absolutely refuse to do THIS. What is THIS?
A: Wait on hold on the phone
January 9, 2020
Q: The #1 cause of people’s aches and pains is sleeping in the wrong position. What is #2 on the list?
A: Doing laundry
January 8, 2020
Q: Researchers say this has been shown to lower stress and anxiety at work. What is it?
A: Putting a small plant on your desk
January 7, 2020
Q: At one time, this was a state law in Wisconsin. What was it?
A: Restaurants were legally required to serve cheese and butter with every meal.
January 6, 2020
Q: 2% of people will do THIS during the month of February. What is THIS?
A: Take down their Christmas tree
January 2, 2020
Q: The average amount of THIS is 292. What is it?
A: Licks to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop
December 31, 2019
Q: Nearly half of people surveyed said they never experienced THIS as a child. What is THIS?
A: Being grounded
December 30, 2019
Q: Most people have these. John and Nancy don’t. What are they?
A: A pair of slippers
December 24, 2019
Q: During the holidays, 60% of us will do THIS, at least, 10 times. What is it?
A: Sit down to watch a holiday movie
December 23, 2019
Q: Nearly 15% of people say they’ve witnessed THIS at an office holiday party. What is THIS?
A: Someone passed out
December 20, 2019
Q: 15% of people say they’ve actually done this during the holidays. What is it?
A: Intentionally bought someone a bad gift to spite them
December 10, 2019
Q: This has only happened four times in the history of pro-sports. What is it?
A: There have only been four outdoor games in NBA history. All of them were preseason games, and the Phoenix Suns played in all four of them.
December 9, 2019
Q: Only 7% of people say they’ve actually done THIS during the holiday. What is THIS?
A: Roasted chestnuts over an open fire
December 6, 2019
Q: Almost half of us will do THIS at a holiday party this year. What is it?
A: Plan to “Irish goodbye” and sneak out without saying good bye
December 5, 2019
Q: Men are more likely than women to do THIS around the holidays. What is it?
A: Hire a professional to wrap Christmas gifts
December 4, 2019
Q: It could be illegal, but a new world record was set this month for THIS. What is it?
A: A speed record for driving across America , from New York to Los Angeles.
December 3, 2019
Q: The first time kids could do THIS was in 1909. What is it?
A: Get a prize out of a cereal box
December 2, 2019
Q: This is hard to believe, but 20% of your holiday guests would do THIS in your house
A: Use your toothbrush
November 19, 2019
Q: Fewer people are engaging in this activity compared to 16 years ago. What is it?
A: Snowboarding
November 27, 2019
Q: Over 20% of us plan on doing this tomorrow. What is it?
A: Eating after 5:00 pm
November 26, 2019
Q: The average cost of THIS is $80,000. What is THIS?
A: To climb Mount Everest (travel, permits, insurance, supplies and gear, and guides)
November 25, 2019
Q: There’s a 30% chance THIS is going to happen to you over the holiday season. What is THIS?
A: Someone will steal a package off your front porch
November 22, 2019
Q: The average length of time for this to occur is 3 hours and 54 minutes. What is THIS?
A: The time you can spend with your family before you need a break.
November 21, 2019
Q: Most people think it’s gross .. but nearly 70% of folks admit they do it. What is it?
A: Drink expired milk
November 20, 2019
Q: 30% of us say we’ll definitely do THIS during the holidays. What is THIS?
A: Unbutton our pants at some points because we’re so full
November 19, 2019
Q: Most people think this is bad. But 30% of us think it’s good. What is it?
A: Getting sick
November 18, 2019
Q: In professional sports, this has not happened in over 75 years. What is it?
A: An NFL game ended in a zero-zero tie. It was between the New York Giants and the Detroit Lions in 1943.
November 15, 2019
Q: Most people say their limit on THIS is $500. What is THIS?
A: Lending money to friends and family.
November 14, 2019
Q: The average length of THIS is 3 days. What is THIS?
A: The perfect road trip
November 13, 2019
Q: 28% of people say they are bored with THIS. What is THIS?
A: The same old Thanksgiving dinner food
November 12, 2019
Q: For the first time ever, there are over 500 of these in existence. What are they?
A: Scripted TV shows
November 11, 2019
Q: We buy more of this around Thanksgiving than any other time of the year. What is it?
A: Cheez-Whiz
November 7, 2019
Q: 75% of us have one of these, at some point in our lives. What is it?
A: Role model
November 6, 2019
Q: The average number of THIS is 12. What is THIS?
A: The average number of people at a holiday party.
November 5, 2019
Q: This has not changed in about 90 years. What is this?
A: The number of constellations (There are only 88 recognized constellations. And it’s been that way since 1928.)
November 4, 2019
Q: About 35% of people will never experience THIS. What is THIS?
A: Wisdom teeth
November 1, 2019
Q: 53% of Millennials will do THIS in November. What is THIS?
A: Shop on Black Friday
October 31, 2019
Q: Nearly 30% of people say they look forward to this the most in the fall. What is it?
A: A lower electric bill
October 30, 2019
Q: Nearly 80% of us refuse to do THIS by ourselves. What is it?
A: Watch a scary movie
October 29, 2019
Q: The average woman will buy more than 200 of these in her lifetime. What are they?
A: Candles
October 28, 2019
Q: The #1 thing people judge about your home is the smell. What is #2?
A: Temperature
October 24, 2019
Q: If you’re average, you’ll do this three times this week. What is it?
A: Say ” I need a vacation.”
October 23, 2019
Q: More than 70% of people surveyed say they’ve done this more than once in October.
A: Worn the same Halloween costume
October 22, 2019
Q: This is true for nearly 15% of Americans. What is it?
A: They believe in vampires
October 21, 2019
Q: In the history of professional sports, there are only 12 of these. What are they?
A: Only 12 Major League Baseball players in history were born in Alaska.
October 18, 2019
Q: 25% of us are actually relieved when THIS happens. What is THIS?
A: When friends cancel plans
October 17, 2019
Q: In a recent survey about food, 3 out of 10 of us said THIS. What is it?
A: We hate our own cooking
October 16, 2019
Q: More than 80%of people feel this should be changed at work. What is it?
A: Their boss should be replaced by a robot
October 15, 2019
Q: The average American does this almost 390 times a year. What is it?
A: Eat alone
October 14, 2019
Q: Younger people are more likely to do this than older people. What is it?
A: Blacklist a company
October 11, 2019
(We’re playing the “Jeopardy” version. So we give you the answer and you have to give us the question.)
Q: The answer is 29. What is the question?
A: How many days do you waste a year checking email?
October 10, 2019
Q: This is true for more than 30% of people (surveyed).
A: They cannot remember what they got for the holidays last year.
October 9, 2019
Q: What do these 3 occupations have in common? Farmers. Architects. Hairdressers.
A: They have the most sex out of all occupations
October 8, 2019
Q: Forty-eight states say it’s okay to do this. Two states say NO WAY. What is it?
A: Own a flame-thrower
October 7, 2019
Q: This happen more at 5:00 pm than any other time. What is the answer
A: It’s the time when the largest percentage of the world is sleeping. About 75% of people in the world are sleeping at that hour, even though few of them are in the U.S.
October 4, 2019
Q: Statistically, this improves your chances of getting a promotion at work. What is it?
A: Smiling
October 3, 2019
Q: This has only happened 7 times in U.S. history.
A: There have been seven prison escapes where the inmates got away in a helicopter. However, they were caught again every time.
October 2. 2019
Q: This has happened, at least, 16 times so far this year. What is it?
A: The number of major league baseball fans who have been seriously injured by foul balls.
October 1, 2019
Q: These did not exist until the early 1800’s. What are they?
A: Marshmallows
September 30, 2019
Q: It costs about 13 cents to do THIS. What is THIS?
A: To produce a $100 bill
September 27, 2019
Q: People, in a survey, say they’re more likely to do THIS when it gets cold. What is this?
A: Use online dating sites
September 26,2019
Q: Nine out of ten people have one of these in their house. What is it?
A: A favorite room
September 25, 2019
Q: What do Magic 8 balls, bowling pins, and pool cues have in common?
A: They are not allowed on airplanes
September 24, 2019
Q: If you’re average, you would drive two miles out of your way for THIS. What is THIS?
A: Better coffee
September 23, 2019
Q: 33% of families say they do THIS together regularly. What is it?
A: Sit in total silence at dinner
September 20 2019
Q: What do a sheep, a duck and a rooster have in common?
A: They were passengers in the first hot air balloon ride.
September 19, 2019
Q: Most of us find this to be very difficult to do. 10% say it’s easy. What is it?
A: Stick to a budget
September 18, 2019
Q: If a woman finds a man attractive, she is 60% more likely to do THIS on a first date. What is THIS?
A: Wear high-heeled shoes
September 17, 2019
Q: In a survey, 5% of people say they’d like to see these eliminated entirely. What are they?
A: Movie trailers
September 16, 2019
Q: Of all the 50 states, this is only true for Alaska. What is it?
A: It’s the only state you can type with one row of keys on the keyboard.
September 13, 2019
Q: In a relationship, THIS stops happening after six dates. What is it?
A: You stop overspending to impress
September 12, 2019
Q: Even with all the technology, it takes longer to do THIS now, than it did 5 years ago. What is it?
A: Wait in a drive-through line
September 11, 2019
Q: It’s surprising to find out that THIS was not available until 1858. What is it?
A: A can opener (although canned food was invented in 1810)
September 6, 2019
Q: The total number of THIS is 28. What is THIS?
A: The number of fireplaces in the White House
September 5, 2019
Q: This is true for 15% of the adult population in America. What is it?
A: They will bet on an NFL game this season
September 4, 2019
Q: It is illegal to give someone one of these in Canada. What is it?
A: A medium-rare hamburger
September 3, 2019
Q: A study found that THIS makes you more satisfied with your life. What is it?
A: Being within walking distance of a park
August 30, 2019
Q: Oddly, THIS only happens 7 times a month to most people. What is THIS?
A: They get a really good night of sleep
August 29, 2019
Q: THIS happens to us, on average, 28 times a week. What is it?
A: We crave junk food
August 28, 2019
Q: People do THIS more in the winter than they do in the summer. What is THIS?
A: Attend work regularly
August 27, 2019
Q: The 1st one of these was introduced in 1958. What is it?
A: Diet cola
August 26, 2019
Q: You’re more likely to do this on a Wednesday than any other day of the week. What is it?
A: A first date
August 23, 2019
Q: More men than women are distracted by this while driving. What is it?
A: Billboards
August 22, 2019
Q: 42% of us have one of these in the house right now. What is it?
A: An old cell phone
August 21, 2019
Q: Every one of these in the world is red, green, blue or black. What are they?
A: Passport covers
August 20, 2019
Q: 3% of people who have done THIS .. have waited til they were 20 to do it. What is it?
A: Fly in an airplane
August 19, 2019
Q: People who do THIS more often .. also “get it on” more often. What is THIS?
A: People who use lots of EMOJI’s have better dating lives and more sex
August 16, 2019
Q: One in four people say they would pay almost $4000 for THIS. What is THIS?
A: To retrieve their stolen debit card number from hackers
August 15, 2019
Q: Nearly 20% of women have done THIS, at least, once and never told their partner. What is it?
A: Gotten a credit card
August 14, 2019
Q: It’s a little surprising .. but one out of three people would choose THIS as their last meal. What is it?
A: Fried chicken
August 13, 2019
Q: In the entire United States … there is only one of these. What is it?
A: Only one state that is named after a president. (Washington)
August 12, 2019
Q: Only 7% of people in the world have THIS in common. What is THIS?
A: They have a college degree
August 9, 2019
Q: The average weight of this is 36 lbs. What is it?
A: The amount of weight a person gains in a long-term relationship
August 8, 2019
Q: Only 13% of people have had THIS happen during the summer. What is it?
A: They’ve had a vacation romance last longer than the vacation
August 7, 2019
Q: According to a new survey, nearly one in three parents have done this. What is it?
A: Faked a nap to avoid changing a diaper
August 6, 2019
Q: If you do this on a first date, it doubles your chances of getting a second date. What is it?
A: Share a dessert
August 5, 2019
Q: 7% of us say we never do THIS. What is THIS?
A: Wear underwear
August 1, 2019
Q: Surprisingly, there is only ONE of these in the U.S. What is it?
A: Tea Plantation
July 31, 2019
Q: The three songs played most often in the U.S. are Happy Birthday, the Star Spangled Banner AND … THIS. What is THIS?
A: Take Me Out to the Ball Game
July 29, 2019
Q: Florida is the only place on earth where THIS occurs. What is THIS?
A: Crocodiles and alligators live together
July 26, 2019
Q: If you own one of these, chances are you’ve given it a name. What is it?
A: A guitar
July 19, 2019
Q: Nearly 40% of men say they’ve done THIS before going on vacation. What is THIS?
A: Shaved their back
July 18, 2019
Q: The tallest building in THIS state is only 11 stories tall. Which state is it?
A: Vermont
July 17, 2019
Q: Twice as many men claim to have done THIS .. compared to women. What is THIS?
A: They claim they’ve stuck to their New Year’s resolution.
July 16, 2019
Q: We are spending twice as much on this now compared to two years ago. What is it?
A: Streaming services
July 5, 2019
Q: Three out of ten Americans have NEVER done THIS. What is THIS?
A: Seen a “Star Wars” movie
July 4, 2019
Q: In the 1970’s, there were 90 of these. Now there are more than 7,000. What are they?
A: Breweries
July 3, 2019
Q: Surprisingly, the penalty for doing this is up to a year in federal prison. What is THIS?
A: Re-using a stamp
July 2, 2019
Q: A 50-year old person can do THIS in half the time as a 30-year old. What is it?
A: Choose a show on Netflix
July 1, 2019
Q: It’s kind of scary, but this is true for 10% of us. What is it?
A: We’ve had a near-death experience
June 27, 2019
Q: If you’re an average family, this will happen 16 times while on vacation. What is it?
A: You’ll hear the phrase “Are we there yet.”
June 26, 2019
Q: This is illegal in 35 states. What is it?
A: To sell lemonade at a stand without a permit
June 25, 2019
Q: It’s a little unusual, but if you want one of these it’s going to cost you about $2500. What is it?
A: A personalized birthday message from Caitlyn Jenner
June 24, 2019
Q: Nearly 75% of people who have done this .. say they do not regret it. What is it?
A: Going through their significant other’s cell phone
June 21, 2019
Q: On average, this only lasts about 28 minutes. What is it?
A: The rush, happiness and satisfaction you get when buying something
July 20, 2019
Q: About 45% of adults say they have not purchased THIS in the past year. What is it?
A: Deodorant
June 19, 2019
Q: If you’re average, your family will lose three of these by the end of this year. What are they?
A: Spoons
July 18, 2019
Q: Nearly 40% of us say doing THIS immediately puts us in a better mood. What is THIS?
A: Watching a sunset
June 17, 2019
Q: About 65% of people choose one business over another specifically because of THIS. What is THIS?
A: Their bathroom
June 14, 2019
Q: Nearly 10% of people surveyed say they don’t know if they’ve ever done this. What is THIS?
A: Gotten into a physical fight
June 13, 2019
Q: This happened in Pittsburgh for 20 years. Then it stopped and it’s not happened since. What is it?
A: From 1891 to 1911, Pittsburgh was spelled without an “H” at the end because the U.S. Board on Geographic Names thought it was confusing
June 12, 2019
Q: If you want to save a lot of money at the grocery store .. always do THIS. What is THIS?
A: Always put your phone away
June 11, 2019
Q: There are only two countries that don’t have these. What are these?
A: Mosquitoes (Iceland and the Faroe Islands)
June 10, 2019
Q: This has only happened once and it happened in Phoenix, Arizona. What is it?
A: Phoenix is the only city to have had all four major pro sports teams play on the same day.
June 7, 2019
Q: More than half of those surveyed have done this, at least, once at work. What is it?
A: Brought in donuts
June 6, 2019
Q: Seattle is the best city to live in if you like to do THIS. What is THIS?
A: Video gaming
June 5, 2019
Q: 2% of Americans have never done THIS according to a new survey. What is this?
A: Used a landline phone
June 4, 2019
Q: This is true for only 4% of Americans. What is it?
A: They can use chopsticks
June 3, 2019
Q: If you’re a parent, you’re more likely to enjoy THIS. What is THIS?
A: Drinking chocolate milk